Madam How and Lady Why AO4 (hanse)
by Charles Kingsley Author
Broken up by AO readings for years 4-5. (From Amazon): Introduces children to geology through conversations about earthquakes, volcanoes, coral reefs, and so on. Encourages children to wonder about the distinctive features of the landscape about them and how they came to be that way. Suitable for ages 10 to 14. (I copied and adjusted the schedule based on the hanse books page numbers.)
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 97837446662822
- Print Status
- In Print
- Weeks
- 36
- Pages
- 350
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 12th
- Publisher
- Hanse
- Written
- 1870
- 1 Preface
- 2 Ch 1 p. 1-6 The Glen from beginning to "if I had given you a thousand pounds."
- 3 Ch 1 p. 6-11 The Glen from "But now that we know that" to "I leave you to guess."
- 4 Ch 1 p. 11-17 The Glen from "So now that I have taught you" to " spade above ground."
- 5 Ch 1 p. 17-22 The Glen from "Now come to the edge" to "strong finger be."
- 6 Ch 1 p. 23-29 The Glen from "Now, if the mouth" to "work upon all space and time."
- 7 Ch 1 p. 29-33 The Glen from "What? you have a question more to ask?" to end.
- 8 Ch 2 p. 33-39 Earthquakes from beginning to "That is the wise and scientific plan."
- 9 Ch 2 p. 39-44 Earthquakes from "Now, whatever makes these earthquakes" to "and went to bed again."
- 10 Ch 2 p. 44-47 Earthquakes from "Next morning I inquired whether any one" to "must be pulled down and rebuilt."
- 11 Ch 2 p. 47-53 Earthquakes from "You saw those pictures of the ruins of Arica" to "down below has burst at last."
- 12 Ch 2 p. 53-58 Earthquakes from "Then the strain is eased." to end of chapter
- 13 Ch 3 p. 59-62 Volcanos from beginning to "passed him with the Gorgon's Head."
- 14 Ch 3 p. 62-66 Volcanos from "But you will see, too, that most of these red and black dots" to "or an old one re-opened."
- 15 Ch 3 p. 66-71 Volcanos from "Now we can understand why earthquakes" to "luckless people lived 2000 years ago."
- 16 Ch 3 p. 71-75 Volcanos from "And what had become of Vesuvius," to "for we can see very little more."
- 17 Ch 3 p. 75-79 Volcanos from "Why is a volcano like a cone?" to "get a trowel and make your little experiment."
- 18 Ch 3 p. 79-84 Volcanos from "And now you ought to understand what" to end of chapter.
- 19 Ch 4 p. 85-86 Transformation of Grain of Soil from beginning to "nor the spade the gardener."
- 20 Ch 4 p. 86-90 Transformation of Grain of Soil from "There have always been, and always will be" to "but just scorch the bark."
- 21 Ch 4 p. 90-94 Transformation of Grain of Soil from "But I can tell you a more curious story still." to "lava and ashes upon the surface of the earth."
- 22 Ch 4 p. 94-97 Transformation of Grain of Soil from "For see--down below, under the roots of the mountains" to "she is often most just and kind."
- 23 Ch 4 p. 97-101 Transformation of Grain of Soil from "Ah! my dear child, that I could go on talking" to "make use of the land where she had put them."
- 24 Ch 4 p.101-104 Transformation of Grain of Soil from "And now think what a wonderful fairy tale" to end of chapter.
- 25 Ch 5 p.105-111 The Ice-Plough from beginning to "that land is to be fit to live in."
- 26 Ch 5 p. 111-116 The Ice-Plough from "I said that if the snow piled high enough" to "I hope to have it photographed some day."
- 27 Ch 5 p. 116-123 The Ice-Plough from "Now, how did ice do this?" to "the ground where Birk Hall now stands."
- 28 Ch 5 p. 123-125 The Ice-Plough from "And more:" to end of chapter.
- 29 Ch 6 p.126-132 The True Fairy Tale from beginning to "And this is the first chapter of my fairy tale."
- 30 Ch 6 p. 132-139 The True Fairy Tale from "Now while all this was going on" to "delight and duty to copy the beautiful works of God."
- 31 Ch 6 p. 139-144 The True Fairy Tale from "Sometimes, again, especially in Denmark" to "who makes fiction, and who makes facts."
- 32 Ch 6 p. 144-147 The True Fairy Tale from "Man makes fiction: he invents stories" to "this is the fairy land of God."
- 33 Ch 7 p.148-153 The Chalk-Carts from beginning to "I must be off to market."
- 34 Ch 7 p.153-158 The Chalk-Carts from "Was it all true that the farmer said?" to "Madam How's work is than that of man."
- 35 Ch 7 p. 158-165 The Chalk-Carts from "But if you asked the nymph why she worked" to "of how the pretty toys are made."
- 36 Ch 7 p. 165-171 The Chalk-Carts from "Now if you can imagine for yourself" to end of chapter.
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