Buzzing With Questions: the inquisitive mind of Charles Henry Turner
by Janice N. Harrington Author
From Amazon. The story of Charles Henry Turner, the first Black entomologist — a scientist who studies bugs — is told in this fascinating book for young readers. Can spiders learn? How do ants find their way home? Can bugs see color? All of these questions buzzed endlessly in Charles Henry Turner’s mind. He was fascinated by plants and animals and bugs. And even when he faced racial prejudice, Turner did not stop wondering. He constantly read, researched, and experimented. Author Janice Harrington and artist Theodore Taylor III capture the life of this inspiring scientist and educator in this nonfiction picture book, highlighting Turner's unstoppable quest for knowledge and his passion for science. The extensive back matter includes an author's note, time line, bibliography, source notes, and archival images.
Additional Details
- 9781629795584
- Print Status
- In Print
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 5th
- Publisher
- Calkins Creek an imprint of Highlights
- Copyright
- 2019
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