
The Sea Around Us - AO4G 2A

by Rachel Carson Author

Additional Details

Resource Type
Kindle Book
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 8th
Open Road Media


  • 1 ch 2 The Pattern of the Surface to "derived from the Greek, meaning 'wandering'."
  • 2 ch 2 The Pattern of the Surface from "From the plankton the food chains lead" to "between the coast and the Gulf Stream."
  • 3 ch 2 The Pattern of the Surface from "As between tropical and polar regions" to "great fisheries of the world.'"
  • 4 ch 2 The Pattern of the Surface from "The midocean regions, bounded by" to "ghost of things that never were."
  • 5 ch 3 The Changing Year to "back to the rivers of their birth."
  • 6 ch 3 The Changing Year from "Other mysterious comings" to "unable to read the language of the sea."
  • 7 ch 3 The Changing Year from "But usually the blaze and glitter " to "repeat the magic of spring."
  • 8 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "Between the sunlit surface waters" to "learned about the ocean for many years."
  • 9 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "When, during the first quarter of" to "will have to be radically revised."
  • 10 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "The most startling theory" to "off the edge of the continental shelf."
  • 11 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "How either whales or seals endure: to "and the larvae of many fishes."
  • 12 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "At a thousand feet and on down" to "have not yet been discovered."
  • 13 ch 4 The Sunless Sea from "One of the most extraordinarily widespread" to "black reaches of interplanetary space."
  • 14 ch 5 Hidden Lands from "The first European ever to sail" to "surge of the deep, internal waves."
  • 15 ch 5 Hidden Lands from "Geographically, the slopes are" to " over an immense period of time."
  • 16 ch 5 Hidden Lands from "The deepest depressions on the floor" to "general vicinity of the Azores."
  • 17 ch 5 Hidden Lands from "Now we can trace the outlines" to "shall have crumbled away to dust."
  • 18 ch 5 Hidden Lands from "As the hidden lands beneath the sea" to "Dogger Bank, the lost island."
  • 19 ch 6 The Long Snowfall from "Every part of earth or air or sea" to "yet grasped by human minds."
  • 20 ch 6 The Long Snowfall from "We have known" to "thousand years from now?"

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