DK Workbooks : Geography, Sixth Grade
by DK Author
Perfect for children ages 11 and 12, this workbook extends the geography knowledge and map-reading skills of sixth graders and contains curriculum-aligned objectives that include using different map projections and informational maps, locating the world's major physical features, and reinforcing knowledge about the United States, the continents, and specific world regions.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Workbook
- 9781465444257
- Print Status
- In Print
- Topics
- 44
- Pages
- 60
- Suggested Grades
- 6th - 6th
- Publisher
- Dorling Kindersley
- Copyright
- 2016
- 1 Understanding Earth
- 2 Our World
- 3 Maps and Directions
- 4 Globes: Our Planet in 3-D
- 5 Map Projections
- 6 Hemispheres
- 7 Oceans
- 8 Continents
- 9 Latitude
- 10 Longitude
- 11 Time Zones Around the World 1
- 12 Time Zones Around the World 2
- 13 Informational Maps: Introduction
- 14 Informational Maps: Population
- 15 Informational Maps: Rainfall
- 16 Informational Maps: Natural Resources
- 17 Physical Features: Introduction
- 18 Physical Features: Mountains
- 19 Physical Features: Rivers
- 20 Physical Features: Deserts
- 21 Physical Features: Rain Forests
- 22 Physical Features: Biomes
- 23 North America: Features
- 24 North America: Political Divisions
- 25 United States and Population
- 26 United States: Capital Cities
- 27 United States: Alaska and Hawaii
- 28 United States: Time Zones
- 29 South America: Physical Features
- 30 South America: Political Divisions
- 31 Europe: Physical Features
- 32 Europe: Political Divisions
- 33 Asia: Physical and Political
- 34 Asia: Physical and Political
- 35 Africa: Physical Features
- 36 Africa: Political Divisions
- 37 Australia
- 38 Antarctica
- 39 Regions: The Mediterranean
- 40 Regions: The Middle East
- 41 Regions: Russia and the Former Soviet Union
- 42 Regions: The Indian Subcontinent
- 43 Regions: East and Southeast Asia
- 44 Geography and Earth's Future
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