
How Credit Cards Work & Banking Basics (Interest Rates, Late Fees & Rewards)

We will learn the difference between a credit card and a charge card. In class, we will be reviewing an actual credit statement and discuss the important sections. In addition, we will talk about real purchases and decide if the student can afford to purchase based on their income. Understanding about bank transactions and credit card charges will help students become responsible and debt free adults. Learning includes slides, discussion and lecture. -What is the average interest rate banks charge customers? -Should I get a charge card or credit card? -When can I apply for a credit card? -What are reward based credit cards? -What does it mean to have a credit card limit? -Should I pay the minimum balance or the pay the balance off it full? -What happens if I pay my credit card bill late?


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Resource Type
Online Class
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 12th

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