Christmas Pig
by J. K. Rowling Author
It's the first day of school for Penelope Rex, and she can't wait to meet her classmates. But it's hard to make human friends when they're so darn delicious! That is, until Penelope gets a taste of her own medicine and finds she may not be at the top of the food chain after all. . . . Readers will gobble up this hilarious new story from award-winning author-illustrator Ryan T. Higgins.
Additional Details
- 9781338790238
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 58
- Pages
- 288
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 5th
- Publisher
- Scholastic, Incorporated
- Copyright
- 2021
- 1 Dur Pig
- 2 Mum and Dad
- 3 Changes
- 4 Holly Macaulay
- 5 Holly's DP
- 6 More Changes
- 7 Not Jack's Dad
- 8 The Toilet Roll Angel
- 9 Christmas Eve
- 10 The New Angel
- 11 Lost
- 12 The Christmas Pig
- 13 The Night for Miracles and Lost Causes
- 14 Shrunk
- 15 Beneath the Tree
- 16 Mislaid
- 17 The Three Doors
- 18 The Prisoner
- 19 Horsey Things
- 20 The Wicker Donkey
- 21 Disposable
- 22 Adjustments
- 23 The Plan
- 24 Lunch Box
- 25 Brother-It's-Gone
- 26 Addie the Address Book
- 27 Mayor Cheese Grater
- 28 Crusher
- 29 Poem and Pretense
- 30 The Tunnel
- 31 Compass
- 32 The Broken Angel
- 33 The Story of the Blue Bunny
- 34 The Bad Habits
- 35 The Loser
- 36 Thistles
- 37 Train Tracks
- 38 The City Gates
- 39 The City of Missed
- 40 Followed
- 41 The Performers
- 42 The King's Invatation
- 43 The Palace
- 44 The Royal Family
- 45 The King
- 46 Power's Plan
- 47 The Last Two Guests
- 48 Flight
- 49 The Story of Hope
- 50 The Island of the Beloved
- 51 The Truth
- 52 A Famous Friend
- 53 The Sleigh Ride
- 54 Return to Wastes
- 55 The Crater
- 56 The Loser's Lair
- 57 The Last Hope
- 58 Found
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