The Violet Fairy Book
by Andrew Lang Author
In The Violet Fairy Book, we hear strange and exotic tales from the far corners of the earth -- Japanese, Serbian, Lithuanian, African, Portuguese, Rumanian, and Russian. But they are told in the common language of the fairy tale, and their events will be familiar to children and grown-ups alike. A magical dog called Schippeitaro helps his Japanese master; a man outwits a dragon in a Rumanian tale; and a Swahili story tells about a youth who visits the King of the Snakes. All in all, this collection contains 35 stories, all narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous. Not only are Lang's generally conceded to be the best English versions of the standard stories, his collections are the richest and widest in range. His position as one of England's foremost folklorists as well as his first-rate literary abilities make his collections unmatchable in the English language.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0486216756
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 35
- Pages
- 388
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 6th
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Copyright
- 1966
- Written
- 1901
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/641/641-h/641-h...
- 1 A Tale of the Tontlawald
- 2 The finest Liar in the World
- 3 The Story of three Wonderful Beggars
- 4 Schippeitaro
- 5 The Three Princes and their Beasts
- 6 The Goat's Ears of the Emperor Trojan
- 7 The Nine Pea-hens and the Golden Apples
- 8 The Lute Player
- 9 The Grateful Prince
- 10 The Child who came from an Egg
- 11 Stan Bolovan
- 12 The Two Frogs
- 13 The Story of a Gazelle
- 14 How a Fish swam in the Air and a Hare in the Water
- 15 Two in a Sack
- 16 The Envious Neighbour
- 17 The Fairy of the Dawn
- 18 The Enchanted Knife
- 19 Jesper who herded the Hares
- 20 The Underground Workers
- 21 The History of Dwarf Long Nose
- 22 The Nunda, Eater of People
- 23 The Story of Hassebu
- 24 The Maiden with the Wooden Helmet
- 25 The Monkey and the Jelly-fish
- 26 The Headless Dwarfs
- 27 The young Man who would have his Eyes opened
- 28 The Boys with the Golden Stars
- 29 The Frog
- 30 The Princess who was hidden Underground
- 31 The Girl who pretended to be a Boy
- 32 The Story of Halfman
- 33 The Prince who wanted to see the World
- 34 Virgilius the Sorcerer
- 35 Mogarzea and his Son
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