War Game
by Michael Foreman Author
From Amazon: Based on a true account of a football game played between the German and English troops in no-man's land on Christmas Day in 1914 during World War I, this book tells the story of four young men who have recently enlisted and have found that war is not as glamorous as they had once thought. The young men get to realize their dream of playing football for England when the English and German sides hold a ceasefire on Christmas Day and they play a friendly game against one another. This special new edition with beautiful color artwork is a touching and emotive story for children and adults to treasure.
Additional Details
- 9781843650898
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 5
- Pages
- 80
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 4th
- Publisher
- Anova Books
- Copyright
- October 1, 2006
- 1 Pg. 5-10
- 2 Pg. 11 - 26
- 3 Pg. 27-38
- 4 Pg. 40-56
- 5 Pg 57 - end
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