The Bully Pulpit
by Doris Kearns Goodwin Author
An excellent narrative biography of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft and how the "golden age of journalism" played a big role in their lifetimes and political careers. One parent advisory: an unfortunate one-sentence innuendo is included from Mark Twain in chapter 16.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781416547877
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 30
- Pages
- 912
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Geographical Setting
- New York, Washington DC, Ohio
- Historical Setting
- 1857 - 1930
- Publisher
- Simon & Schuster, Incorporated
- Copyright
- 2014
- 1 The Hunter Returns
- 2 Will and Teedie
- 3 The Judge and the Politician
- 4 Nellie Herron Taft
- 5 Edith Carow Roosevelt
- 6 The Insider and the Outsider
- 7 The Invention of McClure's
- 8 Like a Boy on Roller Skates
- 9 Governor and Governor General
- 10 That Damned Cowboy Is President
- 11 The Most Famous Woman in America
- 12 A Mission to Perform
- 13 Toppling Old Bosses
- 14 Thank Heaven You Are To Be With Me!
- 15 A Smile That Won't Come Off
- 16 Sitting on the Lid
- 17 The American People Reach a Verdict
- 18 Cast into Outer Darkness
- 19 To Cut Mr. Taft in Two
- 20 Taft Boom, Wall Street Bust
- 21 Kingmaker and King
- 22 A Great Stricken Animal
- 23 A Self-Inflicted Wound
- 24 St. George and the Dragon
- 25 The Parting of the Ways
- 26 Like a War Horse
- 27 My Hat Is In the Ring
- 28 Bosom Friends, Bitter Enemies
- 29 Armageddon
- Epilogue
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