Digging for Troy [SCM]
by Jill Rubalcaba Author, Eric H. Cline Author
The fall of Troy is a legend that has been passed down for thousands of generations. It is the tale of an epic war, brave heroes, meddling gods and goddesses, and the face that launched a thousand ships. Although some have questioned whether Troy was ever anything more than a legend, the Iliad has inspired many to go searching for proof of Troy’s existence. Jill Rubalcaba and Eric H. Cline first offer an abridged version of the Iliad before delving into the many archaeological expeditions at Hisarlik, the modern-day site believed to have been ancient Troy. They recount everything from Heinrich Schliemann’s quest for glory and renown to Manfred Korfmann’s controversial picture of Troy as a political entity with Anatolian—not Aegean—ties. Whether the legend of Troy is fact or fiction remains up to the reader to decide.
Additional Details
- 1580893260
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 80
- Suggested Grades
- 5th - 12th
- Publisher
- Charlesbridge
- Copyright
- 2010
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