This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States Volume 1: H. E. Marshall's "This Country of Ours" - Annotated, Expanded, and Updated
From Amazon: For many years, boys and girls have read “This Country of Ours” and its stories of the Americans. Now for a new generation of curious and wondering readers, something more is provided with this version. This is the story of people brought together not because they are of the same race or ethnicity or background or even with a common journey here, but because they share belief in a core of ideas. Some of those ideas had to be forged in a fire before they were available to all, but they were American ideas still, and they were worthy of the struggle and worthy of the fight, to provide and protect that freedom for every American. “This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States, Volume 1” is the history of America from the time of the Vikings’ exploration in the year 1000 up until the 1630s in New England. Donna-Jean A. Breckenridge has annotated, expanded, and updated H. E. Marshall’s beloved history book for today’s audience. Accurate tribal names, sources of quotes, pronunciation guides, and added and updated information tether this story to the historical record while maintaining the literary excellence of the original.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9798836808709
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 25
- Pages
- 236
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 5th
- Geographical Setting
- America (New England)
- Historical Setting
- 1000 - 1630
- Publisher
- Independent
- Copyright
- 2022
- Written
- 2022 (original 1917)
- https://www.amazon.com/This-Country-Ours-Marsha...
- 34 Witches of Salem
- 14 More Adventures of Captain John Smith
- 15 How the Colony was Saved
- 16 How Pocahontas Took a Journey Over the Seas
- 17 A Year to be Remembered, and the Peace of Pocahontas Ends
- 18 How Englishmen Fought a Duel with Tyranny
- 19 The Coming of the Cavaliers
- 20 Bacon's Rebellion
- 21 The Story of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe
- 22 The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers
- 23 The Founding of Massachusetts
- 24 The Story of Harry Vane
- 25 The Story of Anne Hutchinson and the Founding of Rhode Island
- 26 The Founding of Harvard
- 27 How Quakers First Came to New England
- 28 How Maine and New Hampshire were Founded
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- 32
- 33
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- 36
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