Life and Her Children
From Amazon: An engaging introduction to the invertebrates, beginning with the simple amoebæ and concluding with the complex centipedes, spiders, and six-legged insects. In between the reader encounters a number of groups of animals of increasing complexity, beginning with the living sponge, the traveling jelly-fish, and the wondrous coral-builders, then passing on to the star-fish, sea-urchins, and sea-cucumbers. Next come mussels and snails, cuttle-fish and oysters, followed by creeping worms, and arriving at last at the joint-legged division including crabs that live in the water, as well as the aforementioned centipedes, spiders, and insects that breathe only in the air, which comprise more than four-fifths of the living beings on our globe. All creatures are described in such a way as to arouse an abiding interest in them and their behavior. Dozens of labeled ink drawings suitable for copying into notebooks are included, encouraging close attention to details.
Additional Details
- 978-1-63334-171-5
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 12
- Pages
- 326
- Publisher
- Yesterday's Classics
- Copyright
- 2022
- Written
- 1880
- I Life and Her Children
- II Life's Simplest Children: How They Live, and Move, and Build
- III How Sponges LIve
- IV The Lasso-Throwers of the Ponds and Oceans
- V How Star-Fish Walk and Sea-Urchins Grow
- VI The Mantle-Covered Animals, and How They Live WIthout Them
- VII The Outcasts of Animal Life, and How They Live with Heads and without Them
- VIII The Mailed Warriors of the Sea with Ringed Bodies
- IX The Snare-Weavers and Their Hunting Relations
- X Insect Suckers and Biters Which Change Their Coats but Not Their Bodies
- 11 Insect Sippers and Gnawers which Remodel Their Bodies within Their Coats
- 12 Intelligent Insects with Helpless Children as Illustrated by the Ants
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