Renewal: The Church That Expands Outward [SCM]
by Luke H. Davis Author
The nearly three centuries covered in this volume give us a picture of the incredible energy and great expansion of the Church throughout the world, and the people who led the way through a variety of abilities that God gave them.
Additional Details
- 1527109933
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 15
- Pages
- 176
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 12th
- Publisher
- Christian Focus Publications
- Copyright
- 2023
- 1 The Age of Mission
- 2 Cyril Lucaris
- 3 John Bunyan
- 4 John Owen
- 5 Jonathan Edwards
- 6 David Brainerd
- 7 George Whitefield
- 8 Harry Hosier
- 9 William Wilberforce
- 10 Emilie Mallet
- 11 Charles Spurgeon
- 12 Sojourner Truth
- 13 Robert Moffat
- 14 Hudson Taylor
- 15 Dwight Moody
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