
Science in the Beginning (all chapters and tests)

by Jay Wile Author

Dr. Jay Wile, author of the popular Apologia Science books for 7-12 grade, has written a new science textbook especially for elementary grades. Science in the Beginning is the first book in a hands-on, multilevel elementary science series that introduces scientific concepts using history as its guide. The beginning of history is given in the Bible's creation account, and this book uses the days of creation as a way of introducing a wide range of scientific concepts including the nature of light, energy conservation, the properties of air and water, introductory botany, our solar system, basic zoology, and some aspects of human anatomy and physiology. As the students learn about these scientific concepts, they are constantly reminded of the Creator who fashioned the marvels they are studying. Textbook is 299 pages, hardbound textbook for grades K-6.


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In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 6th
Berean Builders Publishing


  • 1 The First Day: Let There Be Light!
  • 2 THe First Day: The Colors in Creation
  • 3 The First Day: Absorbing and Reflecting
  • 4 The First Day: Light and Energy
  • 5 The First Day: Learning More About Light That is Reflected and Absorbed
  • 6 The First Day: Energy Conversion in Creation
  • 6b Test (Lessons 1-6)
  • 7 The First Day: More on the Law of Energy Conservation
  • 8 The First Day: The Light You Don't See
  • 9 The First Day: How the Human Eye Sees
  • 10 The First Day: Reflection, Absorption, and What Else?
  • 11 The First Day: How the Amoung of Light Affects What You See
  • 12 The First Day: Guiding Light
  • 12b Test #2 (Lessons 7-12)
  • 13 The First Day:(Challenge Lesson) Light Can Carry Information
  • 14 The First Day: (Challenge Lesson) Refraction
  • 15 The First Day: (Challenge Lesson) Refraction and Magnification
  • 16 The Second Day: Water and the Expanse
  • 17 The Second Day: Solids and Liquids
  • 18 The Second Day: Why Things Float
  • 19 The Second Day: Will It Float?
  • 20 The Second Day: Water in Its Gas Phase
  • 21 The Second Day: Water is Cohesive and Adhesive
  • 21b Test (Lessons 16-21)
  • 22 The Second Day: What Is Water?
  • 23 The Second Day: What Is a Solution?
  • 24 The Second Day: Other Kinds of Solutions
  • 25 The Second Day: Don't Forget About Air
  • 26 The Second Day: Sometimes Hot Air Is Good!
  • 27 The Second Day: Some Weighty Truths
  • 27b Test (Lessons 22-27)
  • 28 The Second Day: (Challenge Lesson) Air Pressure
  • 29 The Second Day: (Challenge Lesson) Wind
  • 30 The Second Day: (Challenge Lesson) Temperature
  • 31 The Third Day: Land, Sea, and Plants
  • 32 The Third Day: More Dirt on Soil
  • 33 The Third Day: The Rock Cycle
  • 34 The Third Day: The Water in the Sea
  • 35 The Third Day: More on Seawater
  • 36 The Third Day: Salt and Ice
  • 36b Test (Lessons 31-36)
  • 37 The Third Day: Hypothesis and Experiment
  • 38 The Third Day: Plants - The Beginning
  • 39 The Third Day: Plants - The First Stage of Germination
  • 40 The Third Day: Plants - More on Roots and Germination
  • 41 The Third Day: Plants - Leaves, Water and Transpiration
  • 42 The Third Day: Plants - The Importance of Leaves
  • 42b Test (Lessons 37-42)
  • 43 The Third Day: (Challenge Lesson) Plants - How They Store Their Food
  • 44 The Third Day: (Challenge Lesson) Plants - Movement
  • 45 The Third Day: (Challenge Lesson) Plants - Examining a Leaf
  • 46 The Fourth Day: The Sun
  • 47 The Fourth Day: Using the Sun to Mark Time
  • 48 The Fourth Day: Colors in the Sky
  • 49 The Fourth Day: What is Moving?
  • 50 The Fourth Day: All of Earth's Motion
  • 51 The Fourth Day: The Solar System
  • 51b Test (Lessons 46-51)
  • 52 The Fourth Day: More on the Solar System
  • 53 The Fourth Day: The Moon
  • 54 The Fourth Day: How Big Is It?
  • 55 The Fourth Day: Eclipses
  • 56 The Fourth Day: Apparent Brightness
  • 57 The Fourth Day: Where Do The Stars Go During the Day?
  • 57b Test (Lessons 52-57)
  • 58 The Fourth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Ultraviolet Light from the Sun
  • 59 The Fourth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Looking at the Sun
  • 60 The Fourth Day: (Challenge Lesson) How Do We Know What Is in The Sun
  • 61 The Fifth Day: Classification
  • 62 The Fifth Day: Saltwater and Freshwater
  • 63 The Fifth Day: Osmosis and Diffusion
  • 64 The Fifth Day: Vertebrates and Invertebrates
  • 65 The Fifth Day: Some Ways that Invertebrates Move in the Water
  • 66 The Fifth Day: How Most Vertebrates Move in the Water
  • 66b Test (Lessons 61-66)
  • 67 The Fifth Day: From the Water to the Air
  • 68 The Fifth Day: Waterproofing Feathers
  • 69 The Fifth Day: The Basics of Flight
  • 70 The Fifth Day: Takeoff and Thrust
  • 71 The Fifth Day: Designed for Flight, Part I
  • 72 The Fifth Day: Designed for Flight, Part II
  • 72b Test (Lessons 67-72)
  • 73 The Fifth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Other Bird Design Features
  • 74 The Fifth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Eggs
  • 75 The Fifth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Hatching Eggs
  • 76 The Sixth Day: Land Animals and People
  • 77 The Sixth Day: Legs
  • 78 The Sixth Day: No Legs
  • 79 The Sixth Day: Land Vertebrates
  • 80 The Sixth Day: More on Insulation
  • 81 The Sixth Day: People
  • 81b Test (Lessons 76-81)
  • 82 The Sixth Day: Depth Perception in the Sense of Sight
  • 83 The Sixth Day: The Sense of Smell
  • 84 The Sixth Day: The Sense of Hearing
  • 85 The Sixth Day: The Sense of Balance
  • 86 The Sixth Day: The Sense of Taste
  • 87 The Sixth Day: The Sense of Touch
  • 87b Test (Lessons 82-87)
  • 88 The Sixth Day: (Challenge Lesson) Working Together
  • 89 The Sixth Day: (Challenge Lesson) More About Sight
  • 90 The Sixth Day: (Challenge Lesson) A Consequence of Depth Perception
  • The Seventh Day

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