A Tree Is Nice
by Janice May Udry Author
A Tree Is Nice is a classic tale about the beauty of the everyday world. "Simont's watercolors perfectly complement the poetic simplicity of the text, allowing the reader room to engage in his or her own imaginative embroiderings about trees" (Children's Books and Their Creators). Trees are beautiful. They fill up the sky. If you have a tree, you can climb up its trunk, roll in its leaves, or hang a swing from one of its limbs. Cows and babies can nap in the shade of a tree. Birds can make nests in the branches. A tree is good to have around. A tree is nice.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0060261552
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 32
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- HarperCollins
- Copyright
- Mar 14, 1956
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