The World of Captain John Smith [SCM]
by Genevieve Foster Author
(From Amazon): Spanning the years from 1580-1631 the life of the adventurous John Smith gives a picture of the world just before and during the colonization of America. When Smith was a boy, Shakespeare was on his way to London to become an actor, the Spanish Armada had failed to conquer England, Mary Queen of Scots had lost her head, and Akbar the young prince of India sought to rule his people wisely. Galileo was perfecting his telescope and seeing things never before seen by the human eye, while Pocahontas romped the forests of Virginia and saved a young Englishman's life. A little band of Pilgrims seeking to escape religious persecution in England fled to Holland and a little Dutch boy named Rembrandt began to paint. These are just a few of the intriguing personalities, events, discoveries, and advances that made up the world of Captain John Smith and are now made alive to the reader in Foster's masterful way. 406pg
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1-893103-00-5
- Print Status
- In Print
- Readings
- 4
- Pages
- 406
- Suggested Grades
- 5th - 12th
- Historical Setting
- 1580 - 1631
- Publisher
- Beautiful Feet Bks
- Copyright
- 1999
- 1 The Queen's "Little Pirate"
- 2 Queen Elizabeth
- 3 Pillip II
- 4 A Declaration of Independence
- 5 The Virgin Queen and her "Frog Prince"
- 6 Mary Stuart
- 7 The Three Henrys and the Queen Mother of France
- 8 Young Walter Raleigh and Virginia
- 9 No Gold - But Tobacco
- 10 Little John Smith
- 11 To and From Holland
- 12 Mary Stuart and the "Honest Man"
- 13 James
- 14 "Lord Roanoke" and Virginia Dare
- 15 The Spanish Amarda
- 16 War of the Three Henrys
- 17 The Lost Colony
- 18 John Smith, Schoolboy
- 19 The Faerie Queen
- 20 The "Upstart Crow"
- 21 The White-Plumed Henry
- 22 El Greco and Philip II
- 23 John Smith, Would-Be Knight
- 24 El Dorado - City of Gold
- 25 Akbar of India
- 26 Mr. Pilot in Japan
- 27 Entrance to China
- 28 Sun, Moon, and Stars
- 29 A Star Gazer, Tycho Brahe, and His Dog
- 30 Gustov Adolf - Star of the North
- 31 John Smith, Sightseer in Italy
- 32 Galileo
- 33 A Royal Wedding
- 34 Grand Opera and the Violin
- 35 John Smith and the "Terrible Turks"
- 36 John Smith, Slave
- 37 Cervantes and Don Quixote
- 38 Boris Godunov
- 39 The Queen is Dead
- 40 King James I
- 41 The Globe Theater
- 42 Ben Jonson
- 43 Sir Walter Raleigh - A Prisoner
- 44 Sir Frances Bacon "Rings the Bell"
- 45 The King James Bible
- 46 Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
- 47 A Meeting in Scrooby Village
- 48 A Frenchman Reports on a New Spain
- 49 Sante Fe, New Mexico
- 50 Champlain Visits Canada
- 51 Off to Virginia
- 52 New France: The First Colony
- 53 The Great Chief Powhatan
- 54 John Smith - At Jamestown
- 55 A Compass and "Talking Paper"
- 56 Pocahontas and John Smith
- 57 John Smith Draws a Map of Virginia
- 58 "Half Moon" on the Hudson River
- 59 French and Indians on Lake Champain
- 60 President John Smith
- 61 Starvation and Shipwreck
- 62 Tobacco to the Rescue
- 63 At Home in Leyden
- 64 The Telescope
- 65 Galileo and the Planets
- 66 Henry IV is Dead
- 67 Galileo in Rome
- 68 French Missionaries in Canada
- 69 Pocahontas is Married
- 70 The Royal Couple
- 71 King Gustov Adolf
- 72 Russia's New Tsar - Michael Romanov
- 73 The Naming of New England
- 74 In Memory of Shakespeare
- 75 Pocahontas in England
- 76 The Law vs. The King?
- 77 Raleigh's Last Adventure
- 78 The House of Burgesses
- 79 Servants and Slaves
- 80 They Knew that They Were Pilgrims
- 81 John Smith, Unhappy Admiral
- 82 The Mayflower Sails
- 83 Anchored at Plymouth
- 84 Indians and Thanksgiving
- 85 Trouble in Bohemia
- 86 Of Kings and Brides
- 87 Massacres: Indian and White
- 88 Hugo Grotius
- 89 A Painter Goes to Paris
- 90 Buckingham Finds a Bride for Charles
- 91 Enter Cardinal Richelieu
- 92 Broken Promises
- 93 La Rochelle and the Hugoenots
- 94 New France Again
- 95 On the Way to China
- 96 Inside the Great Wall
- 97 Japan's Closing Door
- 98 In and Out for Christian IV
- 99 John Winthrop of Groton Manor
- 100 Neighbors: New Amsterdam and Plymouth
- 101 Velaszquez
- 102 Galileo's Final Visit to Rome
- 103 Gustov Adolf
- 104 Plans for Massachusetts
- 105 John Smith is Not Invited
- 106 Governor Winthrop
- 107 Pilgrims and Puritans
- 108 The Bell Tolls
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