The Landing of the Pilgrims [SCM]
by James Daugherty Author
Follows the story of the pilgrims from England to Holland and the New World.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0394846974
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 34
- Pages
- 160
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 6th
- Geographical Setting
- England, Holland, Massachusetts
- Historical Setting
- 1607 - 1648
- Publisher
- Random House
- Edition
- A Landmark Book
- Copyright
- 1981
- 1:1 The Boy and the Postmaster
- 1:2 How Will Made a Great Decision
- 1:3 How Persecution Came upon the Separatists at Scrooby
- 1:4 Departure
- 1:5 Leyden Years
- 1:6 The Press
- 1:7 Delfthaven Farewell
- 1:8 Aboard the Mayflower
- 2:1 How Master Christopher Jones Brought the Mayflower Across the Furious Ocean
- 2:2 Landfall
- 2:3 How the Mayflower Came to Anchor at Cape Cod
- 2:4 Of the Adventure in the Shallop
- 2:5 The Third Discovery and the First Encounter
- 2:6 How the Discoverers Sought Thievish Bay and Found Plymouth Harbor
- 2:7 How the Mayflower Came to Plymouth Harbor
- 2:8 Lost in the Forest
- 2:9 How the Spring Came and How Samoset Came out of the Forest
- 2:10 Of the Visit of That Great Chief, Massasoit
- 3:1 The Return of the Mayflower
- 3:2 How Mr. Winslow Brought a Scarlet Coat to Massasoit
- 3:3 How Squanto Was Avenged
- 3:4 Of the Arrival of the Ship Fortune
- 3:5 Of the Strange Message from Canonicus
- 3:6 Thanksgiving, 1621
- 3:7 Of a Strange Plot
- 3:8 Of How They Built a Strong Fort for Their Defense
- 3:9 Concerning the Coming of the Charity and the Swan
- 3:10 How Massasoit Disclosed a Most Villainous Plot
- 3:11 How Witawamat Lost His Head
- 3:12 How Began Free Enterprise
- 3:13 How Came the Good Ship Anne and the Pinnace Ye Little James
- 3:14 The Sailing of the Anne and of the Great Fire
- 3:15 Good News from New England
- 3:16 Twenty Years Later
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