Voices of the Renaissance and Reformation [SCM]
by Rob Shearer Editor
A collection of primary source documents for the Renaissance and Reformation time period. "A short biography helps us to understand the significance of a historical figure, but if you really want to know them, you must read what they wrote."
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1882514653
- Print Status
- In Print
- Documents
- 31
- Pages
- 188
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Geographical Setting
- Italy, Germany, Europe, England, Switzerland, Bohemia, Scotland
- Historical Setting
- 1302 - 1547
- Publisher
- Greenleaf Press
- Copyright
- 2009
- 1 Petrarch: Autobiography
- 2 Petrarch: Selected sonnets
- 3 Lorenzo Valla: On the Forgery of the Alleged Donation of Constantine
- 4 Lorenzo de' Medici: Letter to his son, Giovanni
- 5 Savonarola: Excerpts from the Sermons of Advent 1493 and Lent 1494
- 6 Leonardo da Vinci: Excerpts from his notebooks
- 7 Michelangelo: Selected poems
- 8 Machiavelli: Selections from the Prince
- 9 Erasmus: Preface to Sir Thomas More, from In Praise of Folly
- 10 John Wyclif: The Condemned Conclusions of John Wycliffe
- 11 John Wyclif: Reply of John Wycliffe to his Summons by the Pope to come to Rome
- 12 Jan Hus: Final Declaration, July 1, 1415
- 13 Martin Luther: Luther's Account of the Reformation
- 14 Martin Luther: The 95 Theses
- 15 Martin Luther: Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
- 16 Martin Luther: On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church
- 17 Martin Luther: On the Freedom of a Christian
- 18 Martin Luther: Preface to the Book of Romans
- 19 Ulrich Zwingli: The 67 Articles
- 20 Conrad Grebel: Letters to Thomas Muntzer
- 21 Michael Sattler: The Schleitheim Confession
- 22 Michael Sattler: The Trial of Michael Sattler
- 23 Michael Sattler: A Letter Written by Michael Sattler, in Prison, to the Church of God at Horb
- 24 William Tyndale: Excerpts from An Answer Unto Sir Thomas More's Dialogue
- 25 Henry VIII (Thomas Cromwell): Act in Restraint of Appeals
- 26 Henry VIII (Thomas Cromwell): The Act of Supremacy
- 27 Thomas More: Last Letter to his daughter Margaret
- 28 John Calvin: Calvin's Account of his own life and conversion
- 29 John Calvin: The Geneva Confession
- 30 John Calvin: Reply to Cardinal Sadoleto
- 31 John Knox: The History of the Reformation of Scotland
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