
Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology: The Age of Fable

by Thomas Bulfinch Author

Vivid, classic retellings of the myths of Greece and Rome, along with stories of the Norse gods and heroes. Zeus and Hera, Apollo, Jason and the golden fleece, the wanderings of Ulysses and Aeneas, the deeds of Thor, many more seminal stories underlying Western culture.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 12th


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Prometheus and Pandora
  • 3 Apollo and Daphne - Pyramus and Thisbe - Cephalus and Procris
  • 4 Juno and Her Rivals, Io and Callisto - Diana and Actaeon - Latona and the Rustics
  • 5 Phaeton
  • 6 Mida - Baucis and Philemon
  • 7 Proserpine - Glaucus and Scylla
  • 8 Pygmalion - Dryope - Venus and Adonis - Apollo and Hyacinthus
  • 9 Ceyx and Halcyone
  • 10 Vertumnus and Pomona
  • 11 Cupid and Psyche
  • 12 Cadmus - The Myrmidons
  • 13 Nisus and Scylla - Echo and Narcissus - Clytie - Hero and Leander
  • 14 Minerva - Niobe
  • 15 The Graeae and Gorgons - Perseus and Medusa - Atlas - Andromeda
  • 16 Monsters: Giants - Sphinx - Pegasus and Chimaera - Centaurs - Pygmies - Griffin
  • 17 The Golden Fleece - Medea and AEson
  • 18 Meleager and Atalanta
  • 19 Hercules - Hebe and Ganymede
  • 20 Theseus - Daedalus - Cator and Pollux
  • 21 Bacchus - Ariadne
  • 22 The Rural Dieties - Erisichthon - Rhoecus - The Water Dieties - the Camenae - The Winds
  • 23 Achelous and Hercules - Admetus and Alcestis - Antigone - Penelope
  • 24 Orpheus and Eurydice - Aristaeus - Amphion - Linus - Thamyris - Marsyas - Melampus - Musaeus
  • 25 Arion - Ibycus - Simonides - Sappho
  • 26 Endymion - Orion - Aurora and Tithonus - Acis and Galatea
  • 27 The Trojan War
  • 28 The Fall of Troy - Return of the Greeks - Agamemnon, Orestes and Electra
  • 29 Adventures of Ulysses - The Lotus-Eaters - Cyclopses - Circe - Sirens - Scylla and Charybdis - Calypso
  • 30 The Phaeacians - Fate of the Suitors
  • 31 Adventures of AEneas - The Harpies - Dido - Palinurus
  • 32 The Infernal Regions - The Sibyl
  • 33 AEneas in Italy: Camilla - Evander - Nisus and Euryalus - Mezentius - Turnus
  • 34 Pythagoras - Egyptian Deities - Oracles
  • 35 Origin of Mythology - Statues of Gods and Godesses - Poets of Mythology
  • 36 Modern Monsters - The Phoenix - Basilisk - Unicorn - Salamander
  • 37 Eastern Mythology - Zoroaster - Hindu Mythology - Castes - Buddha - Grand Lama - Prester John
  • 38 Northern Mythology - Valhalla - the Valkyrior
  • 39 Thor's Visit to Jotunheim
  • 40 The Death of Baldur - The Elves - Runic Letters - Skalds - Iceland
  • 41 The Druids - Iona
  • 42 Beowulf

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