The Sign of the Beaver [SCM]
by Elizabeth George Speare Author
Twelve-year-old Matt is left behind to mind the cabin while his father retrieves the rest of the family. Matt becomes friends with a nearby Indian tribe as he waits for months for his family to return.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0547577117
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 25
- Pages
- 135
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 6th
- Geographical Setting
- Maine
- Historical Setting
- 1768 - 1768
- Publisher
- Bantam Doubleday Dell
- Copyright
- 1983
- 1
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User Reviews
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Reviewed by Parent/Teacher
My 9 year old son really enjoyed this. The character Matt, shows such courage in this book.
Really shows how much harder life was in these times. We he finished reading it, we rented the movie from the library. The movie is a real tear jerker, but was wonderful! That was 2 years ago, and he still talks about it today. Highly recommend!!
Reviewed by Parent/Teacher
I read everyday to my 11yro dyslexic son. This book has many vocabulary words to help him keep up his vocabulary. HE LOVED THE STORY TOO. We were doing a unit on Indians so this was an excellent read for that unit. YOU HAVE TO READ it (and it was fun for me/Mom too) J. OBryant