Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt - Second Edition
by Sonya Shafer Author
Note: This is the older second edition of the lesson plans. A new third edition is now available. This family study handbook walks you through the accounts of Adam to Moses, including a study of Ancient Egypt so students will get a picture of the world Joseph and Moses lived in. It details Scripture passages, living books, Book of Centuries entries, narration ideas, geography ideas, additional assignments for older students, and optional hands-on activities to help you save time and foster learning for all your students.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616340827
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 180
- Pages
- 110
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 12th
- Geographical Setting
- Egypt, Sinai wilderness, Canaan, Israel, Africa
- Historical Setting
- 4000 BC - 900 BC
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Edition
- 2nd
- Copyright
- 2010
- Written
- 2010
- 1 God Creates
- 2 Creation Details
- 3 Adam and Eve Sin
- 4 Cain Kills Abel
- 5 Noah Builds the Ark
- 6 The Waters Prevail
- 7 The Ark Lands
- 8 The Languages Confused
- 9 The First Settlers
- 10 The Testing of Job
- 11 Abram Goes to Egypt
- 12 Abram Separates from Lot
- 13 Hagar Bears Ishmael
- 14 Introductory
- 15 Houses and Everyday Life
- 16 Abram's Household Is Circumcised
- 17 Sarah Is Promised a Son
- 18 Abraham Pleads for Sodom
- 19 A Little about Old Egyptians
- 20 Before the Pyramids
- 21 God Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
- 22 Abraham Lies about Sarah Again
- 23 Isaac Is Born
- 24 The River
- 25 Building Temples and Pyramids
- 26 Abraham Offers Isaac
- 27 Sarah Dies
- 28 A Wife for Isaac
- 29 The River (concluded)
- 30 Pyramid
- 31 Esau Sells His Birthright
- 32 Isaac Lies about Rebekah
- 33 Jacob Steals the Blessing
- 34 The Gardens of Egypt
- 35 Pyramid (continued)
- 36 Jacob Flees
- 37 Jacob with Laban
- 38 Jacob's Sons and Flocks
- 39 The Gardens of Egypt (continued)
- 40 Pyramid (concluded)
- 41 Jacob Flees from Laban
- 42 Jacob Meets Esau Again
- 43 Joseph Is Sold
- 44 The Gardens of Egypt (concluded)
- 45 The Oldest Ship in the World
- 46 Joseph Is Thrown into Prison
- 47 The Cupbearer and the Baker
- 48 Joseph Rules in Egypt
- 49 The People
- 50 Cleopatra's Needle
- 51 Jacob Sends His Sons to Egypt
- 52 Joseph's Brothers Come Again
- 53 Jacob's Household Moves to Egypt
- 54 The People (continued)
- 55 Mummies and Tombs
- 56 Joseph's Wisdom and Jacob's Blessings
- 57 Jacob and Joseph Die
- 58 Genesis Catch Up or Exam
- 59 Geography Catch Up or Exam
- 60 Ancient Egypt Project or Exam
- 61 The Israelites Enslaved
- 62 Various Readings, Part 1
- 63 Moses Is Born
- 64 The People (continued)
- 65 Moses Flees
- 66 God Calls Moses
- 67 Various Readings, Part 2
- 68 The Name of God
- 69 What They Eat
- 70 God's Promise and Power
- 71 Moses Returns to Egypt
- 72 Various Readings, Part 3
- 73 Brick-making Becomes Harder
- 74 Superstitions
- 75 Two Kingdoms in Collision
- 76 The Plagues of Blood and Frogs
- 77 Various Readings, Part 4
- 78 The Plagues of Gnats and Flies
- 79 Superstitions (concluded)
- 80 The Plagues on Livestock and Humans
- 81 The Plague of Hail
- 82 Various Readings, Part 5
- 83 The Plague of Locusts
- 84 Slavery As It Is in Egypt
- 85 The Plague of Darkness
- 86 The Plague on the Firstborn
- 87 Various Readings, Part 6
- 88 God Gives Instructions
- 89 Slavery As It Is in Egypt (continued)
- 90 Pillars of Cloud and Fire
- 91 A Song of Praise
- 92 Various Readings, Part 7
- 93 Bitter Waters Become Sweet
- 94 Slavery As It Is in Egypt (concluded)
- 95 God Gives Manna and Quail
- 96 God Provides Water and Victory
- 97 Various Readings, Part 8
- 98 Moses Gets Help
- 99 The Village
- 100 God Meets Moses on Mt. Sinai
- 101 God Gives the Law
- 102 Various Readings, Part 9
- 103 Worship the Lord Your God
- 104 The Village (concluded)
- 105 Moses on the Mountain
- 106 The Golden Calf
- 107 Akhenaten and religion
- 108 Seven Sorrows
- 109 Town Life
- 110 God and Moses
- 111 Pictures of Jesus
- 112 Ancient Egypt Catch Up or Project
- 113 Instructions for the Tabernacle
- 114 Town Life (continued)
- 115 Setting Up the Tabernacle
- 116 Bible Catch Up or Exam
- 117 Ancient Egypt Project or Exam
- 118 Bible Catch Up or Exam
- 119 Geography Catch Up or Exam
- 120 Bible Catch Up or Exam
- 121 God's Army
- 122 Town Life (concluded)
- 123 The Levites
- 124 Tutankhamen's tomb
- 125 Nazarites
- 126 God's Cloud Leads
- 127 The House of Mirth
- 128 Murmuring
- 129 The lost toy cupboard
- 130 Wailing
- 131 Miriam's Leprosy
- 132 The House of Mirth (continued)
- 133 The Spies' Reports
- 134 The disappearing queen
- 135 Israel's Disbelief
- 136 Israel's Choice
- 137 The House of Mirth (concluded)
- 138 Korah's Rebellion
- 139 Paper, ink, hieroglyphics
- 140 A Tragic Experiment
- 141 Another Rebellion
- 142 The House of Mourning
- 143 Aaron's Censer
- 144 How the Egyptians Wrote
- 145 Aaron's Staff
- 146 Moses Disobeys
- 147 The House of Mourning (concluded)
- 148 Grief Upon Grief
- 149 How We Know
- 150 Victory
- 151 Serpents
- 152 Nile Trips
- 153 War
- 154 The Discovery of the Rosetta Stone
- 155 Balaam
- 156 Balaam (continued)
- 157 Nile Trips (concluded)
- 158 Balaam (continued)
- 159 Thomas Young
- 160 Balaam (continued)
- 161 Balaam (continued)
- 162 About the School
- 163 Balaam (concluded)
- 164 Jean Francois Champollion
- 165 Preparations
- 166 Zelophehad's Daughters
- 167 About the School (concluded)
- 168 Joshua Is Commissioned
- 169 Champollion Goes to Egypt
- 170 The Grace of God
- 171 Remember God's Goodness
- 172 Conclusion
- 173 Moses Reminds Israel of God's Law
- 174 Reading Hieroglyphs
- 175 Moses Dies
- 176 Bible Catch Up or Exam
- 177 Geography Exam
- 178 Bible Exam
- 179 Ancient Egypt Catch Up, Project, or Exam
- 180 Bible Exam
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