Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt
by Sonya Shafer Author
This first edition is out of print. See http://apps.simplycharlottemason.com/resources/detail/40434 for the second edition. Help your students see how Bible events fit into history! This family study handbook walks you through the accounts of Adam to Moses, including a study of Ancient Egypt so students will get a picture of the world Joseph and Moses lived in. It details Scripture passages, living books, Book of Centuries entries, narration ideas, geography ideas, additional assignments for older students, and optional hands-on activities to help you save time and foster learning for all your students, grades 1–12. Gives daily lesson plans for Module 1 (old Module 2) History/Bible/Geography of the SCM Curriculum Guide.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616340254
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- Lessons
- 131
- Pages
- 62
- Geographical Setting
- Egypt, Canaan, Israel, Africa
- Historical Setting
- 4000 BC - 1451 BC
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Edition
- 1st
- Copyright
- 2007
- 1 God Creates
- 2 Creation Details
- 3 Adam and Eve Sin
- 4 Cain Kills Abel
- 5 Noah Builds the Ark
- 6 The Waters Prevail
- 7 The Ark Lands
- 8 God Makes a Covenant
- 9 The Languages Confused
- 10 The Testing of Job
- 11 Abram Goes to Egypt
- 12 Abram Separates from Lot
- 13 Hagar Bears Ishmael
- 14 Abram's Household Is Circumcised
- 15 Sarah Is Promised a Son
- 16 Abraham Pleads for Sodom
- 17 God Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
- 18 Abraham Lies about Sarah Again
- 19 Isaac Is Born
- 20 Abraham Offers Isaac
- 21 Sarah Dies
- 22 A Wife for Isaac
- 23 Esau Sells His Birthright
- 24 Isaac Lies about Rebekah
- 25 Jacob Steals the Blessing
- 26 Jacob Flees
- 27 Jacob Dreams
- 28 Jacob Finds Laban
- 29 Jacob Marries
- 30 Jacob's Twelve Sons
- 31 Jacob Manages the Flocks
- 32 Jacob Flees from Laban
- 33 Jacob Meets Esau Again
- 34 God Blesses Jacob
- 35 Joseph Is Sold
- 36 Joseph Is Thrown into Prison
- 37 The Cupbearer and the Baker
- 38 Joseph Rules in Egypt
- 39 Jacob Sends His Sons to Egypt
- 40 Joseph's Brothers Buy Food
- 41 Joseph's Brothers Come Again
- 42 Joseph Reveals His Identity
- 43 Jacob's Household Moves to Egypt
- 44 Jacob Settles in Egypt
- 45 The Famine Rages
- 46 Jacob Blesses Joseph's Sons
- 47 Jacob and Joseph Die
- 48 The Israelites Enslaved
- 49 Moses Is Born
- 50 Moses Flees
- 51 God Calls Moses
- 52 Moses Returns to Egypt
- 53 Brick-making Becomes Harder
- 54 God Reassures Moses
- 55 Water Turns to Blood
- 56 The Plague of Frogs
- 57 The Plague of Gnats and Flies
- 58 The Plagues on Livestock and Humans
- 59 The Plague of Hail
- 60 The Plague of Locusts
- 61 The Plague of Darkness
- 62 The Plague on the Firstborn
- 63 God Gives Instructions
- 64 Crossing the Red Sea
- 65 A Song of Praise
- 66 Bitter Waters Become Sweet
- 67 God Gives Manna and Quail
- 68 God Provides Water and Victory
- 69 Moses Gets Help
- 70 God Meets Moses on Mt. Sinai
- 71 God Gives the Law
- 72 The Golden Calf
- 73 God and Moses
- 74 New Stone Tablets
- 75 Instructions for the Tabernacle
- 76 Setting Up the Tabernacle
- 77 God's Cloud Leads
- 78 God Sends Quail
- 79 Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses
- 80 Spies Report on Canaan
- 81 Korah Rebels
- 82 Aaron's Rod Buds
- 83 Moses Dishonors God
- 84 Aaron Dies
- 85 The Bronze Snake
- 86 Balaam Blesses Israel
- 87 Joshua Is Commissioned
- 88 Moses Reminds Israel of God's Law
- 89 Moses Dies
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