
Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles

by Sonya Shafer Author

Daily lesson plans for grades 1-12 covering a year of history, geography, and Bible. Pulls together all the resources suggested for the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles module of the SCM Curriculum Guide. Another Family Study Handbook from SCM.

Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
Out of Print
Geographical Setting
Europe, Asia, Africa, South America
Historical Setting
394 - 1572
Simply Charlotte Mason


  • 1 Alaric the Visigoth
  • 2 Attila the Hun
  • 3 Before the Explorers & James 1
  • 4 Genseric the Vandal
  • 5 Theodoric the Ostrogoth
  • 6 Clovis
  • 7 Justinian the Great
  • 8 Before the Explorers (conc.) & James 2
  • 9 Two Monks: Benedict and Gregory
  • 10 Mohammed
  • 11 Charles Martel and Pepin
  • 12 Charlemagne
  • 13 Prince Henry the Navigator & James 3
  • 14 Harun-al-Rashid
  • 15 Egbert the Saxon
  • 16 Rollo the Viking
  • 17 Alfred the Great
  • 18 Prince Henry the Navigator (conc.) & James 4
  • 19 Henry the Fowler
  • 20 Canute the Great
  • 21 El Cid
  • 22 Edward the Confessor
  • 23 Bartholomew Diaz & James 5
  • 24 William the Conqueror
  • 25 Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV
  • 26 Peter the Hermit
  • 27 Frederick Barbarossa
  • 28 Christopher Columbus & Galatians 1
  • 29 Henry the Second and His Sons
  • 30 Louis the Ninth
  • 31 St. Francis and St. Dominic
  • 32 Robert Bruce
  • 33 Christopher Columbus (conc.) & Galatians 2
  • 34 Marco Polo
  • 35 Edward the Black Prince
  • 36 William Tell and Arnold von Winkelried
  • 37 Tamerlane
  • 38 Columbus: The Christ-Bearer & Galatians 3
  • 39 Henry V
  • 40 Joan of Arc
  • 41 Gutenberg
  • 42 Gutenberg: The Mysterious Bundle
  • 43 Columbus: Battle at Sea & Galatians 4
  • 44 Gutenberg: Secret Partner
  • 45 Gutenberg: Unwilling Apprentice
  • 46 Gutenberg: Innocent or Guilty?
  • 47 Gutenberg: Surprise Discovery
  • 48 Columbus: The Birth of an Idea & Galatians 5
  • 49 Gutenberg: Future Unknown
  • 50 Gutenberg: The Sacrifice
  • 51 Gutenberg: Man in Debt
  • 52 Gutenberg: Unspoken Threat
  • 53 Geography Catch Up & Galatians 6
  • 54 Gutenberg: The Search
  • 55 Gutenberg: The Devil's Workshop & Justice by Law
  • 56 History Catch Up or Exam
  • 57 History Project or Exam
  • 58 History Project or Exam
  • 59 Geography Exam
  • 60 Bible Exam
  • 61 Castle
  • 62 Castle (continued)
  • 63 Columbus: Search for a Sponsor & 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2
  • 64 Castle (concluded)
  • 65 Warwick the Kingmaker
  • 66 Petrarch
  • 67 Petrarch (concluded)
  • 68 Columbus: Admiral of the Ocean Sea & 1 Thessalonians 3 and 4
  • 69 Giotto
  • 70 Filippo Brunelleschi and Donatello
  • 71 Cathedral
  • 72 Cathedral (continued)
  • 73 Columbus: Landfall! & 1 Thessalonians 5
  • 74 Cathedral (concluded)
  • 75 Lorenzo Valla
  • 76 Cosimo de' Medici
  • 77 Lorenzo de' Medici
  • 78 Columbus: Islands in the Sea & 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2
  • 79 Lorenzo de' Medici (concluded)
  • 80 Girolamo Savonarola
  • 81 Sandro Botticelli
  • 82 Leonardo da Vinci
  • 83 Columbus: Homeward Bound! & 2 Thessalonians 3
  • 84 Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • 85 Cesare Borgia
  • 86 Niccolo Machiavelli
  • 87 Leo X
  • 88 Columbus: Trouble in the New World & 1 Corinthians 1
  • 89 Erasmus
  • 90 Erasmus: The New Learning
  • 91 Erasmus: Silence or Violence?
  • 92 Erasmus: Doubly Beloved
  • 93 Columbus: Searching for the Mainland & 1 Corinthians 2 and 3
  • 94 Erasmus: Unwelcome Visitor
  • 95 Erasmus: Two Sides of Truth
  • 96 Erasmus: Secret Attack & Watchful Waiting
  • 97 Erasmus: Christian Enemies
  • 98 Columbus: Bound in Chains & 1 Corinthians 4 and 5
  • 99 Erasmus: The Other Side
  • 100 Erasmus: Storm Signals
  • 101 Erasmus: Fire in the Marketplace & Citizen of the World
  • 102 John Wyclif
  • 103 Columbus: Marooned on Jamaica & 1 Corinthians 6 and 7
  • 104 Wyclif: Unwelcome Choice
  • 105 Wyclif: A Difficult Lesson
  • 106 Wyclif: Court Decision
  • 107 Wyclif: Too Much Freedom
  • 108 Vasco da Gama & 1 Corinthians 8 and 9
  • 109 Wyclif: Doctor Wicked-Believe
  • 110 Wyclif: The Inner Room & The Gospel Doctor
  • 111 Wyclif: Double Trouble
  • 112 Wyclif: Sowing the Word & The Accusation
  • 113 Vasco da Gama (concluded) & 1 Corinthians 10 and 11
  • 114 Wyclif: The Intruders
  • 115 Wyclif: God's Word Triumphant
  • 116 History Catch Up, Project, or Exam
  • 117 History Project or Exam
  • 118 History Project or Exam
  • 119 Geography Exam
  • 120 Bible Exam
  • 121 Jan Hus
  • 122 Martin Luther
  • 123 Pedro Alvares Cabral & 1 Corinthians 12 and 13
  • 124 Martin Luther (continued)
  • 125 Luther: Martin Luther at Home
  • 126 Luther: Trouble at the Market Square
  • 127 Luther: A Fight for the Right
  • 128 John Cabot & 1 Corinthians 14
  • 129 Luther: A Wedding Supper
  • 130 Luther: A Timely Rescue
  • 131 Luther: An Invisible Enemy
  • 132 Luther: A Teacher of Preachers
  • 133 Amerigo Vespucci & 1 Corinthians 15
  • 134 Luther: Church Business
  • 135 Luther: Deep Trouble
  • 136 Luther: A Growing Household
  • 137 Luther: Table Talk
  • 138 Juan Ponce de Leon & 1 Corinthians 16
  • 139 Luther: A New Light
  • 140 Charles V
  • 141 Albrecht Durer
  • 142 Ulrich Zwingli
  • 143 Vasco Nunez de Balboa & 2 Corinthians 1 and 2
  • 144 Thomas Muntzer
  • 145 Conrad Grebel and Michael Sattler
  • 146 Hoffman, Matthys, Simons
  • 147 Henry VIII
  • 148 Vasco Nunez de Balboa (concluded) & 2 Corinthians 3 and 4
  • 149 Thomas More
  • 150 William Tyndale
  • 151 Tyndale: Death before the Feast
  • 152 Tyndale: Secret Trial
  • 153 Ferdinand Magellan & 2 Corinthians 5 and 6
  • 154 Tyndale: No Room for Heretics
  • 155 Tyndale: Unwilling Witness
  • 156 Tyndale: Invitation to Leave
  • 157 Tyndale: Inspired Flight
  • 158 Ferdinand Magellan & 2 Corinthians 7 and 8
  • 159 Tyndale: Two Strangers
  • 160 Tyndale: Unseen Visitors
  • 161 Tyndale: The Forbidden Book
  • 162 Tyndale: Daring Journey
  • 163 Ferdinand Magellan (cont.) & 2 Corinthians 9 and 10
  • 164 Tyndale: The Hidden Word
  • 165 Tyndale: Glorious Exile
  • 166 Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Cranmer
  • 167 John Calvin
  • 168 Ferdinand Magellan (conc.) & 2 Corinthians 11
  • 169 John Calvin (concluded)
  • 170 John Knox
  • 171 Lessons from the Reformation
  • 172 Reformation Time Line (1215-1515)
  • 173 After Magellan & 2 Corinthians 12 and 13
  • 174 Reformation Time Line (1516-1534)
  • 175 Reformation Time Line (1535-1563)
  • 176 History Exam
  • 177 History Exam
  • 178 History Exam
  • 179 Geography Exam
  • 180 Bible Exam

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