Step by Step [SCM]
A collection of stories and poems to be used for practice reading-aloud or assigned as individual reading followed by a narration.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 84
- Pages
- 416
- Suggested Grades
- 5th - 7th
- Publisher
- Pathway Publishing
- Copyright
- 1968
- 1:1 The Wonderful World
- 1:2 September
- 1:3 The Lost Treasure
- 1:4 Looking Ahead
- 1:5 Whirling Wheels
- 1:6 Martha Learns to Remember
- 1:7 Forgive Me When I Whine
- 1:8 Empty Shelves
- 1:9 Help Others
- 1:10 Not In Vain
- 1:11 I Would Be True
- 1:12 Beautiful Things
- 2:1 Ten Cent Conscience
- 2:2 Co-operation
- 2:3 The Best Memory System
- 2:4 Jacob Earns His Salt
- 2:5 What We Give Away
- 2:6 Smiles
- 2:7 Drop a Pebble in the Water
- 2:8 Ola and the Wooden Tub
- 2:9 Courage
- 2:10 The Open Door
- 2:11 High and Dry
- 2:12 Bread
- 2:13 Don't Give Up
- 3:1 Joseph and His Brothers
- 3:2 Beggar Boy
- 3:3 The Beatitudes
- 3:4 The Second Mile
- 3:5 The Good Samaritan
- 3:6 Two Stories
- 3:7 On the Shores of the Aegean
- 4:1 Work, Work, Work
- 4:2 Out in the Fields with God
- 4:3 Whoa! Judy
- 4:4 Lemonade for Pete
- 4:5 The Wise Sower
- 4:6 The Missing Hobo
- 4:7 The Lesson the Flowers Taught
- 4:8 A Lucky Day
- 4:9 To a Man with a Lantern
- 4:10 End of a Summer's Day
- 4:11 Praise to God
- 5:1 Dangerous Errand
- 5:2 Escape Underground
- 5:3 What's a Martyrs' Mirror?
- 6:1 Columbus
- 6:2 From Trails to Turnpikes
- 6:3 A Gift for Young Abe
- 6:4 Up the Long Road
- 6:5 Liberty or Death
- 6:6 Earthquake at San Francisco
- 6:7 Sweet Story of Old
- 7:1 What the World Needs Now
- 7:2 In Bed
- 7:3 Come to Think of It
- 7:4 Flight to Freedom
- 7:5 Welcome D.P.'s
- 7:6 The Quest
- 7:7 Mother's Love
- 7:8 Prayer for a Little Home
- 8:1 Gift for the Teacher
- 8:2 The Blind Men and the Elephant
- 8:3 Flying High
- 8:4 The Worth of a Smile
- 8:5 Brought to Trial
- 8:6 They Thought It was Thomas
- 8:7 The Best That I Can
- 8:8 Somebody's Mother
- 8:9 Time
- 9:1 A Hike in the Woods
- 9:2 Who Has Seen the Wind?
- 9:3 Woodman, Spare That Tree
- 9:4 Mothers of the Wildwood
- 9:5 I Saw God Wash the World
- 9:6 A Storm
- 9:7 Apples in the Wilderness
- 9:8 The Ant and the Cricket
- 9:9 Fruit from the Tropics
- 9:10 Beauty
- 9:11 Mysterious Traveler
- 9:12 Look
- 9:13 God's Many Voices
- 9:14 Psalms 148
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