Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible [SCM]
by Paul S. Taylor Author
(From Amazon): Children often have a big problem understanding how dinosaurs fit with Creation and the Bible. Yet the basic mystery about dinosaurs is easy to solve with the help of God's Word. This unusual book presents dinosaurs as a part of God's wonderful creation and uses them to introduce important Biblical concepts concerning Creation, the nature of God, Man's fall to sin, Noah's Flood, Christ's redemption, and God's plan for the restoration of paradise.Many a new dinosaur discoveries are revealed."This is a wonderfully unique book. Children will find it fascinating...adults will appreciate its unusual new insights...I am glad to recommend it heartily to young and old alike." and #151;Dr. Henry M. Morris
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0-7814-3071
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 11
- Pages
- 62
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 7th
- Publisher
- Chariot Victor Publishing
- Edition
- Rev Upd
- Copyright
- 1998
- 1 Dinosaurs
- 2 Fossil Clues
- 3 Where Did Dinosaurs Come From?
- 4 Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct?
- 5 Doesn't It Take Millions of Years For a Dinosaur Bone to Become a Fossil?
- 6 Why Did God Send the Flood?
- 7 Did Noah Take Dinosaurs on Board the Ark?
- 8 After the Flood, What Happened to Dinosaurs?
- 9 Dinosaurs and the Lost Paradise
- 10 Were the Dinosaurs Ever Really as Ferocious as They Are Shown?
- 11 Dinosaurs and You: Important Things to Remember
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