The Spartan (1912)
by Caroline Dale Snedeker Author
(From Amazon): Originally published in 1912. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections was scanned on an APT BookScan and converted to JPG 2000 format by Kirtas Technologies. All titles scanned cover to cover and pages may include marks notations and other marginalia present in the original volume.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0548812608
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 34
- Pages
- 476
- Publisher
- Kessinger Publishing, LLC
- Copyright
- 2008
- 1 Prologue; An April Journey
- 2 Aristodemos Meets a Hero
- 3 Hollow Lacedaemon
- 4 Whom Apollo Karneios Crowned
- 5 An Ancient Childhood
- 6 The Hunt in Taygetos
- 7 The Escape
- 8 And Sparta Has Her Say
- 9 For the Honour of Artemis
- 10 At a Place Called Marathon
- 11 The Springtime of Hellas
- 12 The King is Dead
- 13 The Violet Robe Changes Hands
- 14 The Gathering Storm
- 15 The King and the Ephors
- 16 The King's Guard Marches
- 17 The Hills Fought for Hellas
- 18 Anopaea, The Chimneyhole Path
- 19 A Sacrifice to Ormuzd
- 20 Thermopylae
- 21 In the Wake of War
- 22 A Mother in Sparta
- 23 Through an Archaic Land
- 24 The Unsatisfied Curse
- 25 Grecian Hospitality
- 26 An Arkadian Interlude
- 27 The Place of Golden Tripods
- 28 The Pythia Speaks
- 29 The Singer of Delphi
- 30 At the Oracle's Bidding
- 31 A Philosopher in His Garden
- 32 Through Unwilling Seas
- 33 Hellas in Arms at Last
- 34 The Saving of Greece; Epilogue
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