The Robber and Me
by Josef Holub Author
When Boniface Schroll, as shy orphan, is left all alone in a cold, dark forest, a big man in a black hat rescues him. The next day Boniface awakens in his uncle Emil's house. Boniface, who wants a place to call home, likes the people in his uncle's small farming village. But when he hears about the many robberies committed by a man wearing a big black hat, Boniface wonders if he should risk telling his uncle what he know about the mysterious stranger.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0440415403
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 39
- Pages
- 224
- Geographical Setting
- Germany before the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871
- Historical Setting
- 1867 - 1867
- Publisher
- Yearling
- Copyright
- 1999
- 1 Abandoned
- 2 The Forest
- 3 The Dream
- 4 Heaven
- 5 The Schoolhouse
- 6 Shorn Like a Lamb
- 7 "Not a Fit Companion!"
- 8 Cleanliness Inspection
- 9 The Gendarme's Report
- 10 The Stranger
- 11 Clever Frederika
- 12 The Spring Poem
- 13 "Robber Knapp is Going to Get It in the Neck!"
- 14 Frau Knapp's Tears
- 15 Fuenfkorn's Duty
- 16 Uncle's Word Is Law
- 17 A Black Cat
- 18 Devil's Ditch
- 19 Haying Time
- 20 The Storm
- 21 The Regiment
- 22 The Truth Comes Out
- 23 A Sound in the Night
- 24 A Kiss on the Cheek
- 25 The Sun Returns
- 26 The Insurrection
- 27 Two Lambs
- 28 The Orphanage
- 29 Herr Gaunt
- 30 A Fresh Wind
- 31 Karolyn
- 32 The Rendezvous
- 33 Mysterious Business
- 34 The Robber is Caught!
- 35 The Harvest
- 36 How Life Is
- 37 The Birthday Present
- 38 Translator's note
- 39 Glossary
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