Lafayette and the American Revolution [SCM]
by Russell Freedman Author
(From Amazon): When the Marquis de Lafayette ran off to join the American Revolution against the explicit orders of the king of France, he was a strong-willed nineteen-year-old who had never set foot on a battlefield. Although the U.S. Congress granted him an honorary commission only out of respect for his title and wealth, Lafayette quickly earned the respect of his fellow officers with his bravery, devotion to the cause of liberty, and incredible drive.Playing a pivotal role in the Revolution, Lafayette convinced the French government to send troops, made crucial pacts with Native Americans, and lead his men to victory at Yorktown. This thrilling account of a daring soldier will fascinate young historians.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780823421824
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 10
- Pages
- 88
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Geographical Setting
- France, United States,
- Historical Setting
- 1757 - 1834
- Publisher
- Holiday House
- Copyright
- 2010
- 1 The Mysterious Stranger
- 2 The Little Lord of Chavaniac
- 3 Why Not?
- 4 Escape from France
- 5 Here to Learn
- 6 Winter at Valley Forge
- 7 The Battles of Barren Hill and Monmouth Courthouse
- 8 Hero of Two Worlds
- 9 The Boy Cannot Escape Me
- 10 In Search of Liberty
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