My Favorite Tree: Terrific Trees of North America [SCM]
by Diane Iverson Author
(From Amazon): From the Aspen to the Yew, the native trees of North America have given us food, shelter and an important part of our heritage. Naturalist-illustrator Diane Iverson’s book is both useful and fun. It combines a sweet intimacy with the most interesting facts about 27 major trees and their relatives, such as their vital statistics, dependant wildlife, record-holding trees of the species, and the role they played in the lives of the Native Americans and the Colonists. Diane Iverson is a wildlife artist and a grandma who has never outgrown splashing in puddles and climbing trees. (Recommended in SCM's Outdoor Secrets Companion book.)
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1883220939
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 63
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 3rd
- Publisher
- Dawn Publications (CA)
- Edition
- illustrated edition
- Copyright
- 1999
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