The Robins in Your Backyard [SCM]
by Nancy Carol Willis Author
(From Amazon): This educational tale of the migration, mating, and nesting habits of a pair of robins as they raise and care for their young will delight parents, teachers, and children. Beginning with the welcome return of the robins in early spring, simple language and beautifully detailed colored-pencil illustrations reveal exactly what is happening in those nearby but hidden nests. Included are kid-pleasing details, such as the fact that a newly hatched robin equals the weight of one nickel, and that each robin can eat up to 14 feet of earthworms a day! A glossary, breeding-season time line, and tips on helping injured or orphaned baby songbirds make this book as practical as it is charming. (Recommended in SCM's Outdoor Secrets Companion book.)
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0966276116
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 32
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 3rd
- Publisher
- Birdsong Books
- Copyright
- 2001
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