Delightful Reading [SCM]
by Lanaya Gore Author
Teaches your child to read using Charlotte Mason's method of sight words and word-building. Rich reading selections: Rain by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Dogs and the Fox by Aesop, Proverbs 23:4 and 5, and Letter to My Friends. Kit includes word tiles, letter tiles, lesson plans, student reader, extra sentences, word notebook, and more.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Kit
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- Lessons
- 51
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Copyright
- 2011
- Rain-1 The rain is falling all around
- Rain-2 Word-Building
- Rain-3 It falls on field and tree
- Rain-4 Word-Building
- Rain-5 It rains on the umbrellas here
- Rain-6 Word-Building
- Rain-7 And on the ships at sea
- Rain-8 Word-Building
- Dogs-1 The Dogs and the Fox
- Dogs-2 Word-Building
- Dogs-3 Some dogs, finding the skin of a lion
- Dogs-4 Word-Building
- Dogs-5 Began to tear it in pieces with their teeth
- Dogs-6 Word-Building
- Dogs-7 A fox, seeing them, said
- Dogs-8 Word-Building
- Dogs-9 If this lion were alive you would soon find out
- Dogs-10 Word-Building
- Dogs-11 That his claws were stronger than your teeth
- Dogs-12 Word-Building
- Dogs-13 Moral: It is easy to kick a man that is down
- Dogs-14 Word-Building
- Prov-1 Do not wear yourself out to get rich
- Prov-2 Word-Building
- Prov-3 Have the wisdom to show restraint
- Prov-4 Word-Building
- Prov-5 Cast but a glance at riches and they are gone
- Prov-6 Word-Building
- Prov-7 For they will surely sprout wings
- Prov-8 Word-Building
- Prov-9 And fly off to the sky like an eagle
- Prov-10 Word-Building
- Letter-1 Title and Greeting
- Letter-2 Word-Building
- Letter-3 First Sentence
- Letter-4 Word-Building
- Letter-5 Second and Third Sentences
- Letter-6 Word-Building
- Letter-7 Fourth Sentence
- Letter-8 Word-Building
- Letter-9 Fifth Sentence, plus
- Letter-10 Word-Building
- Letter-11 Rest of Sixth Sentence
- Letter-12 Word-Building
- Letter-13 Seventh Sentence and Signature
- Letter-14 Word-Building
- Kinder-1 Word-building "at"
- Kinder-2 Word-building "en"
- Kinder-3 Word-building "od"
- Kinder-4 Word-building short vowels
- Kinder-5 Word-building long vowel
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