The Silver Chair [SCM]
by C. S. Lewis Author
Eustace and Jill are called to Narnia to rescue Prince Rilian from the evil Witch. Sixth in the series.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0064471098
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 16
- Pages
- 272
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 8th
- Publisher
- Harpertrophy
- Edition
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Copyright
- 1994
- 1 Behind the Gym
- 2 Jill Is Given a Task
- 3 The Sailing of the King
- 4 Parliament of Owls
- 5 Puddleglum
- 6 The Wild Waste Lands of the North
- 7 The Hill of the Strange Trenches
- 8 The House of Harfang
- 9 How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
- 10 Travels Without the Sun
- 11 In the Dark Castle
- 12 The Queen of Underland
- 13 Underland Without the Queen
- 14 The Bottom of the World
- 15 The Disappearance of Jill
- 16 The Healing of Harms
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