The Last Battle [SCM]
by C. S. Lewis Author
A false Aslan is roaming Narnia and Eustace and Jill must find the true Aslan and restore peace. Seventh and last in the series.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 006447108X
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 16
- Pages
- 240
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 8th
- Publisher
- Harpertrophy
- Edition
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Copyright
- 1994
- 1 By Caldron Pool
- 2 The Rashness of the King
- 3 The Ape in Its Glory
- 4 What Happened That Night
- 5 How Help Came to the King
- 6 A Good Night's Work
- 7 Mainly About Dwarfs
- 8 What News the Eagle Brought
- 9 The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
- 10 Who Will Go Into the Stable?
- 11 The Pace Quickens
- 12 Through the Stable Door
- 13 How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken In
- 14 Night Falls on Narnia
- 15 Further Up and Further In
- 16 Farewell to Shadowlands
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