The American Story: 100 True Tales from American History
by Jennifer Armstrong Author
(From Amazon): This magnificent treasury tells the story of America through 100 true tales. Some are tales of triumph—the midnight ride of Paul Revere, the Wright brothers taking to the air, Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon. Some are tales of tragedy—the fate of the Donner party, the great fire in Chicago, the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens. There are stories of inventors and athletes, and abolitionists and artists, stories about struggling for freedom—again and again, in so many ways.With full-color illustrations on nearly every page and short, exciting stories, this book is perfect for browsing by the entire family. Notes at the end of each story direct readers to related stories, and a guide to thematic story arcs offers readers (and teachers) an easy way to follow their particular interests throughout the book.A treasure trove of a book that belongs in every home.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0375812563
- Print Status
- In Print
- Stories
- 98
- Pages
- 368
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 4th
- Historical Setting
- 1565 - 2000
- Publisher
- Knopf Books for Young Readers
- Copyright
- 2006
- http://www.amazon.com/American-Story-True-Tales...
- 1 1565 First City
- 2 1570 People of the Longhouse
- 3 1590 The Lost Colony
- 4 1607 Pocahontas of Virginia
- 5 1620 The Wanderers
- 6 1626 A Manhattan Real Estate Deal
- 7 1655 Keeping Watch, Keeping the Faith
- 8 1680 The Knotted Rope
- 9 1692 The Devil in Massachusetts
- 10 1737 The Fall of Man
- 11 1743 The Claims of France
- 12 1752 Go Fly a Kite!
- 13 1775 The Midnight Ride
- 14 1776 The Founding Fathers-West
- 15 1776 The Founding Fathers-East
- 16 1778 Forging an Army
- 17 1791 Plan for a Capital
- 18 1796 The Portrait
- 19 1804 Going Bananas
- 20 1805The Great Divide
- 21 1812 Uncle Sam
- 22 1819 Birdbrain
- 23 1820 The Whale's Fury
- 24 1821 The Lord's Been Good to Me
- 25 1825 The Marriage of the Waters
- 26 1835 Astonishingn Discoveries on the Moon
- 27 1846 I'm Not Leaving This Jail
- 28 1847 Fatal Snow
- 29 1848 Sutter's MIll
- 30 1849 This Side Up
- 31 1851 Ain't I a Woman?
- 32 1852 What Is That?
- 33 1853 An Angry Response from a Touchy Chief
- 34 1856 Big Bones
- 35 1858 Murder by Moonlight
- 36 1861 A Daring Rescue
- 37 1863 The Jubilee
- 38 1867 End of the Trail
- 39 1869 The Golden Spike
- 40 1870 He Laid Down His Hammer
- 41 1871 The Great Chicago Fire
- 42 1874 The Glittering Cloud
- 43 1876 Hard of Hearing-East
- 44 1876 Hard of HEaring-West
- 45 1881Shoot-out athe the OK Corral
- 46 1884 Hold Your Horses, Here Come the Elephants!
- 47 1885 Up From the Ashes, Into the Light
- 48 1889 Run for the Hills!
- 49 1892 Welcome to America
- 50 1895 New Friends
- 51 1898 Remember the Maine!
- 52 1898 Edison's Conquest of Mars
- 53 1899 Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
- 54 1900 Hatchetation
- 55 1901 The Gusher
- 56 1902 Don't Shoot!
- 57 1903 Into The Air
- 58 1906 Bringing Down the House
- 59 1907 The Woeful Plight of Mary Mallon
- 60 1911 The Cucracha State
- 61 1912 The Golden Land
- 62 1917 Courage Under Fire
- 63 1919 The Great Molasses Flood
- 64 1919 The Great Convoy
- 65 1920 Votes for Women
- 66 1923 The Curse of the Bambino
- 67 1925 Mush!
- 68 1925 Evolution
- 69 1927 The Spirit of St. Louis
- 70 1929 St. Valentine's Dahy
- 71 1934 The Rainmaker
- 72 1936 Migrant Mother
- 73 1938 The War of the Worlds
- 74 1939 Mrs. Roosevelts's Revenge
- 75 1942 Chain Reaction
- 76 1945 Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
- 77 1946 The Electronic Brain
- 78 1947 The Cookie-Cutter Houses
- 79 1952 The End of the Summer Terror
- 80 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education
- 81 1955 The Walking City
- 82 1956 All Shook Up
- 83 1962 Thirteen Days in October
- 84 1969 The Eagle Has Landed
- 85 1971 Ping-Pong Diplomacy
- 86 1972 Cold War Diplomacy
- 87 1972 An Offer He Couldn't Refuse
- 88 1973 The Battle of the Sexes
- 89 1973 A Break-in at the Watergate
- 90 1974 Rumble in the Jungle
- 91 1975The Last Voyage of the Big Fitz
- 92 1980 The Fire Mountain
- 93 1981 Pac-Man Fever
- 94 1982 The Wall
- 95 1987 Flight of the Condor
- 96 1990 Hubble Trouble
- 97 1996 Ancient Wanderer
- 98 2000 The Election
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