
Mini Stories from Around the World (Miniature Editions)

by Heather Amery Author

(From Amazon): A collection of stories in a miniature format, from different countries of the world to read aloud or read alone. The illustrations reflect traditional art styles from the country of the story's origin.


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Print Status
In Print
Usborne Publishing Ltd


  • 1 Strong Magic - A story from Australia, pg.6
  • 2 Leyla and the Lamp - A story from Persia, pg. 11
  • 3 How the Turtle got its Shell - A story from Greece, pg. 19
  • 4 Puss in boots - A story from France, pg. 22
  • 5 How Birds got Bright Feathers - A story from South America, pg. 28
  • 6 The Magic Fish Hook - A story from New Zealand, pg. 32
  • 7 The Musicians of Bremen - A story from Germany, pg. 37
  • 8 The Singing Toad - A story from Mexico, pg. 45
  • 9 The Snake Charmer - A story from India, pg. 51
  • 10 Thor's Hammer - A story from Scandinavia, pg. 56
  • 11 Buried Treasure - A story from Italy, pg.62
  • 12 Brave Hendrick - A story from Holland, pg. 67
  • 13 Clever Aisha - A story from Morocco, pg. 72
  • 14 The Ivory Wand - A story from China, pg. 77
  • 15 Nail Soup - A story from the Czech Republic, pg. 82
  • 16 The Four Brothers - A story from Spain, pg. 87
  • 17 Stealing the Sun - A story from Africa, pg. 94
  • 18 Baba Yaga, the Witch - A story from Russia, pg. 99
  • 19 Dick Whittington - A story from Britain, pg. 106
  • 20 The Magic Doll - A story from North America, pg. 112
  • 21 The Little Sparrow - A story from Japan, pg. 118
  • 23 A Bag Full of Stories - A story from Cambodia, pg. 123

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