
Gotta Have God: Ages 6-9

by Diane Cory Author

(From Amazon): Jesus knows all about being a boy because He was one! Gotta Have God helps young men learn how much He loves them and wants to be the model for their lives. Each age-based book, for boys ages 2-5, ages 6-9 and ages 10-12, includes devotions and activities designed to help boys understand how they can grow to be strong Christian men. Over 100 devotionals in each book!


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 4th
Legacy Press


  • Gods Awesome Word
  • 1 The Bible is True
  • 2 Jesus, Gods Living Word
  • 3 Peanut Butter
  • 4 God Talks to Me
  • 5 Clues about God
  • Gods Awesome Names
  • 1 Tell me Something
  • God's Awesome Creation
  • 1 God's Tools
  • 2 I'm Not Like Others
  • 3 God's Big Farm
  • 4 The Day and Night Sky
  • 5 Things That Grow
  • God's Awesome Care
  • 1 Finding God
  • 2 Firemen and Policemen
  • 3 My Shepherd
  • 4 A Friend Who Cares
  • 5 Giant Love
  • 6 God Chooses Me
  • God's Awesome Power
  • 1 God Can Do Anything
  • 2 A Bush that Burns
  • 3 My Walking Stick
  • 4 Water From A Rock
  • 5 A Friend's Back
  • 6 The Ax and Knife
  • 7 A Snake On A Pole
  • 8 A Donkey Who Talks 1
  • 9 A Donkey Who Talks 2
  • 10 Strong Walls Fall
  • 11 The Sun and Moon Stand Still
  • 12 A Donkeys Jaw Bone
  • 13 A Fight With Thunder
  • 14 The Writing Fingers
  • 15 A Shadow Moves Backward
  • 16 Gods Special Mailman
  • 17 The Roaring Storm
  • 18 The Sick Girl
  • 19 A Shared Lunch
  • 20 Water Shoes
  • 21 PUSH for Peter
  • 22 Surprised Friends
  • 23 In the Clouds
  • 24 A Meeting with Jesus
  • God's Awesome Rules
  • 1 God's Rules!
  • 2 God Pleasers
  • 3 Put God First
  • 4 Love God Most
  • 5 Honor God's Name
  • 6 Special Sundays
  • 7 Honor Your Father and Mother
  • 8 Respect and Protect Life
  • 9 When You Marry, Be True
  • 10 Keep Only What Is Yours
  • 11 Be Honest
  • 12 Want Only What Is Yours
  • 13 Learning To Please
  • Gotta Know About Me
  • 1 Knock, Knock Jokes
  • 2 Big for Jesus
  • 3 God Won't forget
  • 4 Eyes for Jesus
  • 5 Being Strong
  • 6 God Made Me
  • 7 Prayers for Friends
  • 8 God's Best for Me
  • 9 God's Child
  • 10 Clean-Up Time
  • 11 Looking for Jesus
  • 12 A Change of Heart
  • 13 The Right Circle
  • 14 The Grumpy Man
  • 15 The Greatest
  • 16 I'm a World Changer
  • 17 God's Plans
  • 18 God and Me
  • 19 I Belong to God
  • Gotta Know Gods Men
  • Abraham
  • 1 Abraham Followed God
  • 2 I Follow God
  • Noah
  • 1 Noah Thanked God
  • 2 I'll Thank God
  • Reuben
  • 1 Reuben's Goodness
  • 2 A Good Job!
  • Moses
  • 1 Moses, A Faithful Hero
  • 2 I'm God's Leader
  • 3 A Faithful Player
  • Joshua
  • 1 Joshua's Brave Heart
  • 2 My Brave Heart
  • Samuel
  • 1 A Night Calling
  • 2 Hearing From God
  • David
  • 1 David Worshiped God
  • 2 Worship Is Fun
  • Solomon
  • 1 Solomon and God's House
  • 2 The Tree House
  • Gideon
  • 1 Gideon's Win
  • 2 My Captian
  • Jesus
  • 1 My Favorite Hero!
  • 2 What Would Jesus Do?
  • 3 Steps in the Sand
  • 4 Copying Jesus
  • Peter
  • 1 Fishing
  • 2 Hard Work
  • Stephen
  • 1 Throwing Stones
  • 2 Loving Jesus
  • Paul
  • 1 The Tentmaker
  • 2 The News
  • Timothy
  • 1 Timothy Was Counted On
  • 2 Count on Me

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