
Big Book of Animal Devotions, The: 250 Daily Readings About God's Amazing Creation

by William L. Coleman Author

(From Amazon): The Big Book of Animal Devotions teaches children about the wonders of God's creation while also using each animal to illustrate a character-development lesson straight from the Bible. Each reading includes a Scripture verse, discussion questions, and a concise nugget of take-away wisdom.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 6th
Bethany House


  • 1 Main Attraction
  • 2 The Pincushion
  • 3 Chocolate Cake or White?
  • 4 Hiding in China
  • 5 The Long Nap
  • 6 The Beautiful Jaguar
  • 7 How Deep is the Ocean
  • 8 Little Night Creatures
  • 9 Nature's Clowns
  • 10 The Fearless Rodent
  • 11 Lost and Confused
  • 12 Where Did the Buffalo Go?
  • 13 The Target-Shooting Fish
  • 14 Animals That Hide
  • 15 The Zoo on Your Skin
  • 16 The Animal in Armor
  • 17 Which is the "Right" Whale
  • 18 Bugs With Flashlights
  • 19 The Mighty Gorilla
  • 20 Bird Buffet
  • 21 Crybaby Crocodiles
  • 22 The Bad -Tempered Rhino
  • 23 Birds That Swim
  • 24 The Twelve-Inch Tounge
  • 25 Pearl Divers
  • 26 Monkeys in a Hot Tub
  • 27 The Big Eater
  • 28 Nature in the City
  • 29 Can Dolphins Talk?
  • 30 Cannibal Insects
  • 31 A Lazy Creature
  • 32 Underground Fountains
  • 33 The Tallest Animal
  • 34 Neat Baboons
  • 35 Explorers of the Ocean
  • 36 Robins Are Good Parents
  • 37 How Dumb Are Donkeys?
  • 38 The Bad-Name Lion
  • 39 The Bug That Eats Wood
  • 40 The Huge Sun
  • 41 Snake Stories
  • 42 Apartments in the Forest
  • 43 The Masked Bandit
  • 44 Getting Away From Winter
  • 45 Don't Drink the Water
  • 46 The Biggest Cat
  • 47 Hidden in the Trees
  • 48 The Eight-Armed Swimmer
  • 49 Flying Animals
  • 50 The Seven-Hundred-Pound Racer
  • 51 The Vampire Insect
  • 52 The Lizard Family
  • 53 Almost Like Us
  • 54 Sunken Treasures
  • 55 The Underground Mole
  • 56 Wild Dogs
  • 57 The Wasp Sting
  • 58 The Fastest Animal
  • 59 Hatching Eggs
  • 60 Deep-Sea Diver
  • 61 The Friendless Skunk
  • 62 The Jungle in Your Yard
  • 63 If Animals Could Talk
  • 64 Can fish Breath?
  • 65 The Imitating Catbird
  • 66 Fooling Their Enemies
  • 67 Animal Love
  • 68 Bird Nest Soup
  • 69 Born to Eat
  • 70 Tough Dandelions
  • 71 Amazing Facts
  • 72 Noisy Shells
  • 73 When Animals Retire
  • 74 Walking Trees
  • 75 Lizard Push-Ups
  • 76 Turkeys Wear Out
  • 77 Lovable Llamas
  • 78 Man-Sized Lizards
  • 79 Strange Facts
  • 80 Horse in the House
  • 81 Why Do Pandas Somersault
  • 82 A Blue Jay's Reputation
  • 83 High-Priced Mink
  • 84 Showing off for the Girls
  • 85 The Strong Leopard
  • 86 A Dog Wears a Mask
  • 87 Dump-Truck Ants
  • 88 Leaping Snakes
  • 89 A Central American Cave
  • 90 Kakapo Paradise
  • 91 The Sea Lion Trap
  • 92 The Zoo in Your Library
  • 93 Causing Landslides
  • 94 Unusual Facts
  • 95 Hiding in the Rocks
  • 96 Living Dragons
  • 97 The Show-Off Frigate Birds
  • 98 Tricky Little Creatures
  • 99 The Happy Acrobats
  • 100 Sweetlips
  • 101 Saving Ferrets
  • 102 Wapiti Is King
  • 103 Storks on Your Roof
  • 104 Adopted Monkeys
  • 105 Did You Know?
  • 106 Deadly Tarantulas?
  • 107 Mini Pigs
  • 108 Tents of Snow
  • 109 A Mean Wolverine
  • 110 Flapping Their Funny Feet
  • 111 Horseshoe Crabs and Free Rides
  • 112 Ladybugs in Your Refrigerator
  • 113 The Daily Destroyer
  • 114 Repeating Parrots
  • 115 Never Hug a Grizzly
  • 116 Acorns for Dinner
  • 117 Which Animal is This?
  • 118 House Hunting
  • 119 Walking on Water
  • 120 Playing in the Snow
  • 121 The Bad-Luck Bird
  • 122 What Good Are Mushrooms?
  • 123 Turtles Are Tanks
  • 124 What Guides the Butterfly
  • 125 The Missing Python
  • 126 A Hippo's Lullaby
  • 127 What Good Is a Dead Tree?
  • 128 Look at the Facts
  • 129 Not Looking for Trouble
  • 130 Fathers Make a Difference
  • 131 Our Eyes Fool Us
  • 132 Ants Keep Livestock
  • 133 Why Finches Don't Freeze
  • 134 How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?
  • 135 Stuck Up a Tree
  • 136 The Strange Platypus
  • 137 Squirrels Are Acrobats
  • 138 Sheep Living in the Mountains
  • 139 Monkeys With Large Noses
  • 140 When Elephants Get Thirsty
  • 141 Fur Coat for Your House
  • 142 Marmots Like to Play
  • 143 The Arctic Fox
  • 144 The Mighty Amazon
  • 145 How Smart Are You?
  • 146 The Skunk Pig
  • 147 Swinging Monkeys
  • 148 How Good Is Your Memory?
  • 149 Cleaning Animals
  • 150 Dogs Are Friends
  • 151 The Moose Is Back
  • 152 Wild Horses
  • 153 Do Roadrunneres Go "Beep Beep"
  • 154 It's Cooler at the Beach
  • 155 Avoid This Animal
  • 156 Do Spiders Have Ears?
  • 157 Monkeys Need Monkeys
  • 158 The Brave Pigeon
  • 159 Some Snakes Are WInmps
  • 160 Counting Fish Scales
  • 161 When the Sting Is Gone
  • 162 Getting Away
  • 163 The Mantis Parent
  • 164 Building Stone Houses
  • 165 The Young Deer
  • 166 Even Lions Get the Blues
  • 167 Who Loves Mosquitoes?
  • 168 The Wiry Weasel
  • 169 Can Quicksand Swallow You?
  • 170 The Intelligent Raven
  • 171 Black Widow Spiders at Work
  • 172 Chimps Are Comedians
  • 173 Gecko Stars
  • 174 Water Fountains in the Desert
  • 175 A Living Trash Can
  • 176 Why Do They Have Tails?
  • 177 The Great Pretenders
  • 178 The Goliath Animal
  • 179 Play It Safe!
  • 180 They Wear Two Coats
  • 181 The Jesus Lizard
  • 182 Looking For Trouble
  • 183 Not Everyone Is Nice
  • 184 To the Top of the World
  • 185 Whiskers Used for Flashlights
  • 186 The Laughing Hyena
  • 187 Boy Frogs
  • 188 Bird Talk
  • 189 Nature's Cool Choirs
  • 190 A Giraffe Shirt
  • 191 Looking for Sweets
  • 192 Pot-Nosed Crocodiles
  • 193 Where Has the Bilby Gone
  • 194 A Spider Web for Two
  • 195 Escape Artists
  • 196 Sailing Over the Canyon
  • 197 First, We Protect Ourselves
  • 198 A Happy Face
  • 199 Songbirds Are Singing
  • 200 Snakes in the Forest
  • 201 Wool for the Royals
  • 202 Jumping Kangaroos
  • 203 The Friendly Dolphin
  • 204 A Good Father
  • 205 Farming the Sea
  • 206 The Jellyfish Sting
  • 207 The Toughest Glue
  • 208 Waves Gone Wild
  • 209 A Walrus Shopping Center
  • 210 What Is a Sea Horse
  • 211 Surprising Icebergs
  • 212 The Mean Piranha
  • 213 The Great Diver
  • 214 The Gentle Giants
  • 215 Hermit Crabs
  • 216 Yesterday's Monsters
  • 217 Poisonous Plants
  • 218 Escape Hatch
  • 219 Slow Snails
  • 220 Underwater Carpenters
  • 221 The Alligator Snapper
  • 222 Drinking Water
  • 223 The Knights of the Sea
  • 224 Flying Fish
  • 225 Run Cars With Water?
  • 226 Pirate Bird
  • 227 Ghost Crabs
  • 228 The Underwater Saw
  • 229 Life in a Seashell
  • 230 What Killed the Dead Sea?
  • 231 The Hammerhead Shark
  • 232 Seals Go to the Mountains
  • 233 City Under the Sea
  • 234 Swimming Snakes
  • 235 The Leatherback
  • 236 They Will Fool You
  • 237 Sunken Ships
  • 238 Private Detectives
  • 239 How Many Arms
  • 240 The Secret of the Submarine
  • 241 Save the Sea Cows!
  • 242 Swordfish Attack
  • 243 Seashells Are Noisy
  • 244 The Beaches Come Alive
  • 245 Are Eels Really Electric?
  • 246 Strange Stories
  • 247 The Singing Penguins
  • 248 Puffed-Up Toads
  • 249 The Team Shark
  • 250 Why the Ocean Groans

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