Story of the World, Volume 1: Ancient Times Audiobook CD: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor, Revised Edition (7 CDs) (v. 1)
by Susan Wise Bauer Author
(From Amazon): History will never be the same again!This spirited reading of the first in Susan Wise Bauer's Story of the World history series brings to life the stories and records of the peoples of ancient times. Now more than ever, other countries and customs affect our everyday lives-and our children need to learn about the people who live all around the globe. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of the ancient world. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, The Story of the World weaves world history into a storybook format. This volume covers the major historical events from the beginning of civilization to the fall of the Roman Empire. This Story of the World audiobook is a collaboration between Jim Weiss, whose voice has been described as “liquid gold” (CNN-TV), and Susan Wise Bauer, whose writing has been described as “timeless and intelligent” (Publishers Weekly). It may be used along with the print books (The Story of the World Volume 1 Text Book, Activity Book, and Tests; each sold separately), as a supplement to a traditional history curriculum, or independently. Approximately 8 hours on 7 audio CDs.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781933339047
- Print Status
- In Print
- Disc/Tracks Chapters
- 93
- Publisher
- Peace Hill Press
- Edition
- Third Edition
- Copyright
- 2006
Disc/Tracks Chapters
- 1 1/1 Intro -How Do We Know What Happened? What is History & Archaeology? 9:44
- 2 1/2 Ch1. The Earliest People - The First Nomads 4:25
- 3 1/3 The Earliest People - The First Nomads Become Farmers 6:32
- 4 1/4 Ch2. Egyptians Lived on the Nile River - Two Kingdoms Become One 4:38
- 5 1/5 Egyptians Lived on the Nile River - Gods of Ancient Egypt 4:22
- 6 1/6 Ch3. The First Writing - Hieroglyphs & Cuneiform 4:43
- 7 1/7 Ch4. The Old Kingdom of Egypt - Making Mummies 6:54
- 8 1/8 The Old Kingdom of Egypt - Egyptian Pyramids 5:16
- 9 1/9 Ch5. The First Sumerian Dictator - Sargon and the Akkadians 4:37
- 10 1/10 Ch6. The Jewish People - God Speaks to Abraham 7:08
- 11 1/11 The Jewish People - Joseph Goes to Egypt 10:20
- 12 1/12 Ch7. Hammurabi & the Babylonians - Hammurabi's Code 5:35
- 13 2/1 Ch8. The Assyrians - Shamshi-Adad, King of the Whole World 5:08
- 14 2/2 The Assyrians - The Story of Gilgamesh 8:19
- 15 2/3 Ch9. The First Cities of India - the River Road 4:24
- 16 2/4 The First Cities of India - The Mystery of Mohenjo-Daro 5:37
- 17 2/5 Ch10. The Far East: Ancient China - Lei Zu and the Silkworm 6:19
- 18 2/6 The Far East: Ancient China - The Pictograms of Ancient China 3:23
- 19 2/7 The Far East: Ancient China - Farming in ancient China 6;50
- 20 2/8 Ch11. Ancient Africa - Ancient Peoples of WEst Africa 5:47
- 21 2/9 Ancient Africa - Anansi and Turtle 6:38
- 22 2/10 Ancient Africa - Anansi & the Make Believe Food 6:14
- 23 2/11 Ch12. The Middle Kingdom of Egypt - Egypt Invades Nubia 3:44
- 24 2/12 The Middle Kingdom of Egypt - The Hyksos Invade Egypt 4:24
- 25 2/13 Ch13. The New Kingdom of Egypt - The General & the Woman Pharaoh 5:40
- 26 3/1 The New Kingdom of Egypt - Amenhotep & King Tut 11:22
- 27 3/2 Ch14. The Israelites Leave Egypt -- The Baby Moses 6:19
- 28 3/3 The Isaelites Leave Egypt - The exodus From Egypt 4:18
- 29 3/4 Ch15. The Phoenicians - Phoenician Traders 4:09
- 30 3/5 The Phoenicians - The Founding of Carthage 3:14
- 31 3/6 Ch16. The Return of Assyria - Ashurbanipal's Attack 4:56
- 32 3/7 The Return of Assyria - The Library of Nineveh 5:26
- 33 3/8 Ch17. Babylon Takes Over Again! - Nebuchadnezzar's Madness 4:17
- 34 3/9 Babylon Takes Over Again! - The HAnging Gardens of Babylon 4:55
- 35 3/10 Ch18. Life in Early Crete - Bull Jumpers and Sailors 5:14
- 36 3/11 Life in Early Crete - King Minos and the Minotaur 6:35
- 37 3/12 Life in Early Crete - The Mysterious End of the Minoans 3:03
- 38 3/13 Ch19. The EArly Greeks - The Mycenaeans 2:26
- 39 3/14 The Early Greeks - The Greek Dark Ages 3:57
- 40 3/15 Ch20. Greece Gets Civilized Again - Greece Gets an Alphabet 4:26
- 41 4/1 The Stories of Homer 12:09
- 42 4/2 The First Olympic Games 3:50
- 43 4/3 Ch21. A New Empire 6:03
- 44 4/4 Cyrus the Great 4:37
- 45 4/5 Ch22. Life in Sparta 4:23
- 46 4/6 Life in Athens 4:47
- 47 4/7 Ch23. The GoldenApple 6:14
- 48 4/8 Ch24. Greece's War with Persia 4:41
- 49 4/9 The Greeks Fight Each Other 5:44
- 50 4/10 Ch25. Philip and His Son 5:03
- 51 4/11 Alexander's Invasions 3:37
- 52 4/12 The Death of Alexander 3:28
- 53 4/13 Ch26. The Nazca Drawing 4:18
- 54 4/14 The Heads of the Olmecs 4:08
- 55 5/1 Ch26. Rabbit Shoots the Sun 7:53
- 56 5/2 Ch27. Romulus and Remus 5:38
- 57 5/3 The Power of Rome 3:27
- 58 5/4 Ch28. The Roman Gods 5:56
- 59 5/5 The Roman Builders 4:09
- 60 5/6 The Roman Gladiators 4:37
- 61 5/7 The Gladiator School 6:41
- 62 5/8 Ch29. The Punic Wars 6:44
- 63 5/9 Ch30. Life on the Ganges River 4:43
- 64 5/10 The Castes of Ancient India 4:32
- 65 5/11 Siddhartha 6:02
- 66 5/12 Ch31. The Empire United 3:20
- 67 5/13 The Jakata Tales 5:39
- 68 6/1 Ch32. Calligraphy in China 2:49
- 69 6/2 Warrring States 3:11
- 70 6/3 The First Emperor and the Great Wall 5:08
- 71 6/4 The First Emperor's Grave 5:29
- 72 6/5 Ch33. China's Wise Teacher 3:44
- 73 6/6 Ch34. Caesar Is Kidnapped 5:55
- 74 6/7 The Consuls of Rome 3:43
- 75 6/8 Caesar and the Senate 5:19
- 76 6/9 Ch35. Caesar Fights the Celts 4:10
- 77 6/10 Caesar Crosses the Rubicon 3:52
- 78 6/11 Caesar and Cleopatra 4:51
- 79 6/12 The Death of Caesar 5:11
- 80 6/13 Ch36. Augustus Caesar 5:22
- 81 6/14 Ch37. The Birth of Jesus 4:23
- 82 6/15 Jesus Crucified and Resurrected 4:16
- 83 6/16 Ch38. The Destruction of the Temple 3:56
- 84 7/1 Ch39. Nero, the Evil Emperor 4:58
- 85 7/2 Christians in the Catacombs 3:39
- 86 7/3 The Emporer is a Christian! 5:37
- 87 7/4 Ch40. The British Rebellion 4:01
- 88 7/5 Rome Divided in Two 4:37
- 89 7/6 Ch41. Attila the Hun 4:00
- 90 7/7 Stilicho, Roman and Barbarian 4:42
- 91 7/8 The coming of the Visigoths 4:40
- 92 7/9 Ch42. The Last Roman Emperor 3:43
- 93 7/10 The Gifts of Rome 5:28
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