Sunflower Houses : Inspiration from the Garden - A Book for Children and Their Grown-Ups
by Sharon Lovejoy Author
(From Amazon): A magical book of adventures and appreciations written and illustrated by the author of Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots this award-winning title was published by a small press in Colorado in 1991. The reviews say it all: A fetching primer on gardening for children. . . . Irresistible (The Smithsonian). What child, or indeed adult, would not be delighted? Lovejoy's recollections are wonderful, as are the illustrations (Victoria). Celebrating the lore of the garden and the joy of interacting with nature, Sunflower Houses is a unique garden lover's miscellany, a collection of memories, poems, activities, garden plans, crafts, botanical riddles, stories, games, and planting projects. There are inspirations for a Floral Clock Garden, A Child's Own Rainbow, Faerie Tea Parties, and, of course, the Sunflower House. Plus, from garden lovers, stories of favorite flowers. Throughout are the artist's warm and appealing watercolors of a life in gardening remembered.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-7611-2386-5
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 10
- Pages
- 144
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 12th
- Publisher
- Workman Publishing Company
- Copyright
- 2001
- 1 Plants for Children
- 2 Planning Garden
- 3 Secret Places
- 4 Flower Dolls
- 5 Venerable Tree
- 6 Crowns Chains and Leafy Hats
- 7 Celebrate Spring
- 8 Flower Stories
- 9 Natures Toy Shop
- 10 Garden Games
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