
Slow and Steady Get Me Ready: A Parents' Handbook for Children from Birth to Age 5

by June R. Oberlander Author

(From Amazon): ..ANNOUNCING... THE NEW 3RD EDITION OF SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY that can help your program and the parents of the children you serve! LEARNING BEGINS AT BIRTH START WITH SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY THE UNIQUE BOOK THAT GROWS WITH YOUR CHILD CONTAINS AN INEXPENSIVE PHONETIC APPROACH THAT IS NECESSARY FOR A SUCCESSFUL READER AND SPELLER WRITTEN BY A RETIRED KINDERGARTEN TEACHER SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY SHOULD BE ON EVERY LIBRARY SHELF TO ASSIST PARENTS OF CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO AGE FIVE LEARNING BEGINS AT BIRTH! Research on brain development has shown that any attempt to maximize intellectual growth must begin the first three years of life; the younger the child, the stronger the effect. Beginning education at age five is too late! The new 3rd edition of SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY now includes MEASURABLE PARAMETERS TO PROFILE CHILD DEVELOPMENT, TIPS FOR SOLVING BEHAVIORAL DILEMMAS, THE EARLY BRAIN AND IMPORTANT POINTS with additional illustrations. It is a highly recommended early childhood developmental parenting resource that has achieved recognition in both the educational and medical communities. This resource was awarded the seal of approval from The National Parenting Center and is listed in the Head Start Education Resource Directory. The Harvard Family Research Project recommended SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY to the United States Department of Education, where it now appears in the Educational Research Information Center (ERIC) data base ( This preschool parenting resource has been endorsed by Mary Pride, a leading home school educator and author. In addition, this helpful guide has been listed in the Journal of the American Medical Association as a pediatric reference. It has also been recommended by pediatricians and has been used by hospitals and churches in birth and family education programs. This resource has been found to be useful for children with special needs (e.g., autism, learning disabilities, Down’s Syndrome, etc.). The author, June R. Oberlander, mother of two and grandmother of six, is a retired Fairfax County, Virginia kindergarten teacher. She initially wrote the book for her daughter, a dentist, when she sought advice on how to interact in a positive and developmental manner with her first child, Bonnie, who is illustrated on the front cover. Mrs. Oberlander taught 22 years in private and public kindergartens developing ideas that culminated in the publication of this guide. She has spoken before more than 100 groups in schools, hospitals, libraries, churches and parenting organizations throughout the United States. She devotes her energy assisting parents and caregivers in developing preschool skills in their children and refreshing the preschool teaching skills of grandparents. Numerous repeat orders have substantiated and demonstrated the usefulness of SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY. People do not reorder a product unless they like it! Many mothers and grandmothers have said, “ I wish I would have had a resource guide like this when my child was young.” This book has been published both in Japan and in Romania. Other foreign publishers have expressed an interest in publishing this book. The first five years of a child’s life are the most formative and critical. SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY is for those genuinely interested in helping children get a good start in life. These children will some day be the leaders of the future. THE BEST THING THAT PARENTS CAN SPEND ON THEIR CHILD IS THEIR TIME! SLOW AND STEADY, GET ME READY The following changes have been incorporated into the new 3rd edition: MEASURABLE PARAMETERS TO PROFILE CHILD DEVELOPMENT, formerly a $3.95 booklet THE EARLY BRAIN - scientific rationale for using the book IMPORTANT POINTS - interesting and useful background information TIPS FOR SOLVING BEHAVIORAL DILEMMAS 42 additional and revised illustrations The 3rd edition contains 352 pages compared to 324 in our 4th printing. The exterior dimensions of this early childhood developmental parenting resource are now 6” x 9” compared to our previous 8.5” x 11” book since it will now be more convenient to use and is similar in size to our Japanese book. Notwithstanding, all of the above changes, additions, etc., the price of the 3rd edition remains the same! How many excellent products do you know that have improved and yet have remained the same price for 12 years? A carton of the 3rd edition contains 28 books for those ordering in quantity.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
Early Years - Early Years


  • 1 Birth to age 1
  • 2 Age 1
  • 3 Age 2
  • 4 Age 3
  • 5 Age 4

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