The Story of Canada
by Janet Lunn Author
(From Amazon): From the epic journeys into the unknown by the first people who crossed the Bering land bridge thousands of years ago to Roberta Bondar's landmark voyage into space, The Story of Canada is as vast in scope as the country itself. Authors Janet Lunn and Christopher Moore tell the country's story through rich narrative, recreations of daily life, folk tales, and fascinating facts. The book is splendidly illustrated with original paintings by Alan Daniel, as well as hundreds of historical photographs, maps, paintings, posters, and cartoons. And this updated edition takes Canada's story right up to the present day, with new material on the Charlottetown Accord, the resurgence of Quebec separatism, and Canadian peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia. The result is a highly readable history that is as beautiful as it is informative, an essential reference for every Canadian family.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1895555329
- Print Status
- In Print
- Sections
- 143
- Pages
- 320
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 6th
- Geographical Setting
- Canada
- Historical Setting
- 1000 - 1990
- Publisher
- Key Porter Books
- Copyright
- 1992
- 1 Start of Ch 1 - A Hundred Centuries
- 2 insert - Hunting Dinosaurs in Alberta
- 3 First Peoples
- 4 insert - Medicine Wheels
- 5 Centuries of Changes
- 6 Chiefs and Heroes
- 7 A Northern Passage
- 8 insert - The Magical Art of a Vanished People
- 9 insert - A Day in the Arctic, Seven Hundred Years Ago
- 10 Start of Ch 2 - Strangers on the Coast
- 11 insert - Where was Vinland?
- 12 The Explorers
- 13 insert - How Sailors Found their Way
- 14 insert - Days of the Whalers
- 15 At Stadacona
- 16 Fur Traders
- 17 insert - Beavers, Beaver Hair, and Beaver Hats
- 18 Northern Seas
- 19 Rats, Weeds, and Viruses
- 20 insert - The Last Beothuk
- 21 Start of Ch 3 - Habitants and Voyageurs
- 22 insert - The Pirate Admiral
- 23 The Corngrowers
- 24 Champlain's Colony
- 25 Louis XIV Saves New France
- 26 insert - Heroines of Ville-Marie
- 27 Habitants
- 28 insert - Quebec City
- 29 Voyageurs
- 30 insert - Chasse-galerie
- 31 The Struggle for Acadia
- 32 insert - Marie-Joseph-Angelique
- 33 The War of the Conquest
- 34 insert - The Acadians
- 35 Start of Ch 4 - The Colonists
- 36 Refugees
- 37 insert - The Black Loyalists in Nova Scotia
- 38 insert - The Loyalist Cow
- 39 insert - Elizabeth Simcoe
- 40 Gentlemen and Governors
- 41 The War of 1812
- 42 insert - The Citadel of Halifax
- 43 Newcomers
- 44 insert - Hurlin' Down the Pine
- 45 insert - Roughing it in the Bush with Susanna Moodie
- 46 Three Native Heroes
- 47 insert - Bytown and Ottawa
- 48 Rebellion and Reform
- 49 British North America
- 50 insert - The Great Days of Sail
- 51 insert - Responsible Government - Before and After
- 52 Start of Ch 5 - The Great Northwest
- 53 insert - Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
- 54 insert - The Buffalo Hunt, Four Hundred Years Ago
- 55 The Fur Traders' Rivalry
- 56 insert - Journey to the Coppermine
- 57 The People in Between
- 58 The Red River War
- 59 The Bay's Empire
- 60 Wanderers and Artists
- 61 Leaders of the West
- 62 insert - John Franklin's Tragic Quest
- 63 Start of Ch 6 - Mountains and Oceans
- 64 The Nootka Traders
- 65 insert - The Voyage to Fu Sang
- 66 People of the Salmon
- 67 insert - Ninstints
- 68 From Canada, by Land
- 69 insert - David Thompson: Mapmaker of the West
- 70 The Father of British Columbia
- 71 insert - Steaming Up the Silent Fiords
- 72 The Gold Fields
- 73 insert - Mister Deas Cans Fish
- 74 Mountains and Oceans
- 75 insert - Susan Allison
- 76 Start of Ch 7 - Confederation Days
- 77 insert - Follow the Drinking Gourd
- 78 Breaking the Deadlock
- 79 The Idea of Confederation
- 80 From Charlottetown to Quebec
- 81 The Battle for Confederation
- 82 insert - Creating Canada
- 83 insert - Thomas D'Arcy McGee
- 84 Into the West
- 85 insert - The Man Who Saved the Buffalo
- 86 insert - Massacre in the Cypress Hills
- 87 The Whole Nation Minus One
- 88 The Great Railway
- 89 insert - The Mennonite Pioneers
- 90 insert - Photographing the Last Spike
- 91 Start of Ch 8 - Sunny Ways
- 92 Gold Fever
- 93 The Last Best West
- 94 insert - Maryanne Caswell's Journey
- 95 insert - Marquis Wheat
- 96 Dreams and Struggles
- 97 insert - The Wishing Books
- 98 A Voice for Women
- 99 insert - Nellie McClung
- 100 A Turn-of-the-Century Time Trip
- 101 insert - Home Children
- 102 Into the North
- 103 The Canadians and the Empire
- 104 insert - Stephen Leacock
- 105 Start of Ch 9 - Stormy Times
- 106 Trench Warfare
- 107 insert - In Flanders Fields
- 108 Struggles at Home
- 109 insert - The Halifax Explosion
- 110 The Heartbreaking Twenties
- 111 The Dirty Thirties
- 112 insert - Emily Murphy
- 113 Escaping from the Bad Times
- 114 War Again
- 115 insert - Doctor Bethune
- 116 insert - "My King and Queen"
- 117 At Sea and in the Air
- 118 insert - Secret Agents
- 119 On the Home Front
- 120 insert - Hanorie Umiarjuaq
- 121 insert - Jun 6, 1944
- 122 The End of the War
- 123 Start of Ch 10 - The Flying Years
- 124 Proud Growing Regions
- 125 insert - Farley Mowat Meets a Wolf
- 126 Canada in the Wide World
- 127 Home in the Suburbs
- 128 New Canadians
- 129 Il faut que ca change!
- 130 Canada's Birthday Party
- 131 insert - How Canada Got Its Flag
- 132 Coming Together - Flying Apart
- 133 Battle of the Titans
- 134 insert - The Greatest Goal
- 135 Energy and Ecology
- 136 insert - Nuclear Energy
- 137 insert - Whooping Cranes
- 138 Lean and Mean
- 139 insert - Terry Fox
- 140 Living in the 1980's
- 141 The Global Village
- 142 First Nations and Distinct Societies
- 143 Extra - Northern Voyagers
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