The Cryptoclub: Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes
by Janet Beissinger Author
(From Amazon): Join the Cryptokids as they apply basic mathematics to make and break secret codes. This book has many hands-on activities that have been tested in both classrooms and informal settings. Classic coding methods are discussed, such as Caesar, substitution, Vigenère, and multiplicative ciphers as well as the modern RSA. Math topics covered include: - Addition and Subtraction with, negative numbers, decimals, and percentages - Factorization - Modular Arithmetic - Exponentiation - Prime Numbers - Frequency Analysis. The Cryptoclub presents a number of different systems of encryption and methods of breaking them. Each type of cipher is presented in detail and exercises are included allowing students to apply the techniques presented. The Cryptoclub also includes short descriptions of famous examples of secret codes, including the Beale Ciphers, the Zimmerman telegram, and the German Enigma cipher. The accompanying workbook provides students with problems related to each section to help them master the concepts introduced throughout the book. A PDF version is available at no charge from the publishers.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781568812236
- Print Status
- In Print
- chapters
- 20
- Pages
- 215
- Suggested Grades
- 6th - 8th
- Publisher
- AK Peters, Ltd.
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Caesar Ciphers
- 2 Sending Messages with Numbers
- 3 Breaking Caesar Ciphers
- 4 Keyword Ciphers
- 5 Letter Frequencies
- 6 Breaking Substitution Ciphers
- 7 Combining Caesar Ciphers
- 8 Cracking Vigenere Ciphers When you Know the Key Length
- 9 Factoring
- 10 Using Common Factors to Crack Vigenere Ciphers
- 11 Intro to Modular Arithmetic
- 12 Applications of Modular Arithmetic
- 13 Multiplicative Ciphers
- 14 Using Inverses to Decrypt
- 15 Affine Ciphers
- 16 Finding Prime Numbers
- 17 Raising to Powers
- 18 The RSA Cryptosystem
- 19 Revisting Inverses in Modular Arithmetic
- 20 Sending RSA Messages
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