The Golden Children's Bible
Story Bible with color illustrations
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-307-16520-5
- Print Status
- In Print
- Stories
- 367
- Pages
- 510
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- The Golden Book
- 1 The Creation
- 2 The Garden of Eden
- 3 The Serpent in the Garden
- 4 Cain and Abel, Sons of Adam
- 5 Noah and the Ark
- 6 The Great Flood
- 7 The Ark Comes to Rest
- 8 The Rainbow
- 9 The Tower of Babel
- 10 God's Promise to Abram
- 11 Abram and Lot
- 12 Abram's Vision
- 13 Abraham is Named
- 14 The Three Angles
- 15 A Wife for Isaac
- 16 Abraham's Servant Departs
- 17 Rebekah at the Well
- 18 Laban, Rebeka's Brother
- 19 Isaac and Rebekah
- 20 Esau and Jacob
- 21 Rebekah and Jacob Plot Against Isaac
- 22 Isaac Doscovers the Plot
- 23 Jacob's Flight and Dream
- 24 Jacob and Rachel
- 25 Jacob Seeks to Leave Laban
- 26 Jacob and Rachel Depart
- 27 Jacob and Laban Make a Pact
- 28 Jacob Sends Messangers to Esau
- 29 Jacob and Esau are Reunited
- 30 Joseph and his Brothers
- 31 Joseph's Brothers are Envious
- 32 Joseph is Thrown in the Pit
- 33 Joseph in Egypt
- 34 The Butler's Dream
- 35 The Baker's Dream
- 36 Pharao's Dream
- 37 Pharao Tells Joseph his Dream
- 38 Pharao rewards Joseph
- 39 Joseph has sons
- 40 Joseph's Brothers in Egypt
- 41 The Brothers Return Home
- 42 Benjamin Goes to Egypt
- 43 The Brother's are Taken to Joseph's House
- 44 Joseph Dines with His Brothers
- 45 Judah Pleads with Joseph
- 46 Joseph Reveals Who He Is
- 47 Pharao's Invitation
- 48 Jacob's Dream
- 49 Jacob in Egypt
- 50 The Famine
- 51 The Birth of Moses
- 52 Moses in Midian
- 53 The Miraculous Signs
- 54 Moses Returns to Egypt
- 55 Pharao and the Israelites
- 56 God Speaks to Moses
- 57 The Ten Plaques
- 58 The Plaque upon the River
- 59 The Plaque of the Frogs
- 60 The Plaque of Lice
- 61 The Plaque of Fleas
- 62 The Plaque upon the Cattle
- 63 The Plaque of Sores
- 64 The Plaque of Hail and Fire
- 65 The Plaque of Locusts
- 66 The Plaque of Darkness
- 67 The Plaque upon the First Born
- 68 The Night of the Passover
- 69 Crossing the Red Sea
- 70 The Israelites Pass Through Safely
- 71 The Egyptians are Drowned
- 72 The Bitter Well of Marah
- 73 Manna From Heaven
- 74 The Bread is Gathered
- 75 Water from the Rock
- 76 The Defeat of Amalek
- 77 Jethro Advises Moses
- 78 The Ten Commandments
- 79 Laws for Governing the Tribes
- 80 The Ark of the Covenant
- 81 The Making of the Golden Calf
- 82 Moses Anger
- 83 The Lord's Punishment
- 84 Renewal of the Covenant
- 85 God's promise to the Israelites
- 86 The Departure of Sinai
- 87 The People Cry Out for Food
- 88 The Israelites Prepare to Enter Canaan
- 89 The People Murmur against Moses
- 90 Moses asks God's Forgiveness
- 91 The Murmurers are Punished
- 92 The Wandering Continues
- 93 Passage Through Edom is Refused
- 94 Aaron Dies
- 95 The People Rebel Again
- 96 The Amorites are Defeated
- 97 Balaam and the Kind of Moab
- 98 Balaam and the Angle
- 99 Balaam is Brought to Balak
- 100 Moses' Last Words to His People
- 101 The Lord is Going before You
- 102 The Death of Moses
- 103 The invasion of Canaan
- 104 Joshua sends spies
- 105 The spies make a promise
- 106 The fall of Jericho
- 107 Rahab is spared
- 108 Joshua and the Hivites
- 109 The sun and moon obey Joshua
- 110 The aged Joshua speaks to the people
- 111 The slaying of Sisera
- 112 Song of rejoicing
- 113 Gideon and the Midianites
- 114 An angle appears to Gideon
- 115 God addresses Gideon
- 116 Gideon picks his men
- 117 They spy on the Midianites
- 118 The Israelites attack
- 119 Jotham and Abimelech
- 120 Jephthan's vow
- 121 Samson and the Philistines
- 122 Samson's riddle
- 123 Samson angers the Philistines
- 124 Samson's mighty strength
- 125 Samson tells his secret
- 126 Samson's revenge
- 127 Ruth, the faithful daughter-in-law
- 128 Ruth pleases Boaz
- 129 Naomi instructs Ruth
- 130 Samuel, child of the Lord
- 131 God calls Samuel
- 132 The Philistines capture the Ark
- 133 Samuel and Saul
- 134 The people ask for a king
- 135 Saul meets Samuel
- 136 Saul is proclaimed king
- 137 Jonathan breaks the oath
- 138 The people rescue Jonathan
- 139 Saul disobeys the Lord
- 140 David, the Lord's Chosen One
- 141 David Meets Saul the King
- 142 David and Goliath
- 143 Goliath Challenges the Israelites
- 144 David Offers to Fight
- 145 Triumph with a Sling
- 146 Saul's Jealousy
- 147 David Marries Saul's Daughter
- 148 David and Jonathan
- 149 Saul's Wrath
- 150 David and Abigail
- 151 David Spares Saul's Life
- 152 Saul and the Spirit of Samuel
- 153 Saul Kills Himself
- 154 David's Lament for Saul and Jonathan
- 155 David the King
- 156 David Captures Jerusalem
- 157 The House of Judah Spreads
- 158 David Finds Jonathan's Son
- 159 David and Bathsheba
- 160 David Judges Himself
- 161 David and Absalom
- 162 Absalom is Killed
- 163 David Receives the News
- 164 The Death of David
- 165 The Wisdom of Solomon
- 166 Solomon Gives Proof of Judgment
- 167 The Building of the Temple
- 168 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
- 169 Solomon Dies and the Kingdom is Divided
- 170 Elijah, a Prophet of Israel
- 171 Elijah Heals the Widow's Son
- 172 Elijah and the Priests of Baal
- 173 The Still Small Voice
- 174 Naboth's Vineyard
- 175 The Parting of Elijah and Elisha
- 176 Elisha Heals a Leper
- 177 Elisha's Servant Follows Naaman
- 178 The Anointing of Jehu
- 179 Jehu slays Joram
- 180 Jezebel is Killed
- 181 The Crowning of Joash
- 182 The Death of Elisha
- 183 Warnings from the Prophets
- 184 Hosea's Message of Hope
- 185 Isaiah's Vision
- 186 Respite for Jerusalem
- 187 Josiah, a Righteous King
- 188 Josiah Banishes Idol Worship
- 189 The Fall of Jerusalem
- 190 Judah is controlled by Foreign Powers
- 191 Jeremiah Foretells the fate of Zedekiah
- 192 Zedekiah Ignores Jeremiah's Advice
- 193 Jerusalem is Destroyed
- 194 A Lament for Jerusalem
- 195 Songs of the Captives
- 196 Daniel in Captivity
- 197 Daniel Refuses the King's Food
- 198 The Statue of Gold
- 199 Chaldeans Accuse the Jews
- 200 The Fire Leaves the Three Men Unharmed
- 201 The Writing on the Wall
- 202 Daniel Interprets the Writing
- 203 Daniel in the Lions Den
- 204 Prophets of the Exile
- 205 The Return to Jerusalem is Foretold
- 206 The Return to Jerusalem
- 207 The Temple is Rebuilt
- 208 Nehemiah asks the King's Permission
- 209 The Wall is Rebuilt
- 210 Psalms of Joy
- 211 Psalms 23, 24
- 212 Psalms 100, 126
- 213 The Tale of Jonah
- 214 God Answers Jonah's Anger
- 215 A Vision of the Days to Come
- 216 Zacharias and Elisabeth
- 217 An Angel Visits Mary
- 218 The Birth of John the Baptist
- 219 The Birth of Jesus
- 220 The Presentation in the Temple
- 221 The Visit of the Wise Men
- 222 The Flight Into Egypt
- 223 Jesus Among the Teachers
- 224 The Baptism of Jesus by John
- 225 The Temptation in the Wilderness
- 226 Jesus in Galilee
- 227 The Marriage in Cana
- 228 Jesus Preaches in the Synagogues
- 229 Jesus Heals the Leper
- 230 The Pharisees Question Jesus
- 231 The Sabbath Day
- 232 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
- 233 The Invalid at the Pool
- 234 The Twelve Apostles are Chosen
- 235 The Sermon on the Mount
- 236 The Law and the Prophets
- 237 The Love of Enemies
- 238 The Lord's Prayer
- 239 Treasure in Heaven
- 240 The Golden Rule
- 241 "By Their Fruits"
- 242 Jesus Heals the WIdow's Son
- 243 Jesus Sends Word to John the Baptist
- 244 Jesus Preaches on Forgiveness
- 245 Jesus Preaches in Parables
- 246 The Sower
- 247 The Grain of Mustard Seed
- 248 The Tares
- 249 The Meaning of the Tares
- 250 The Net of Fish
- 251 Jesus in Nazareth
- 252 Jesus Calms the Storm
- 253 Jesus Restores Jairus' Daughter to Life
- 254 The Beheading of John the Baptist
- 255 The Feeding of the Multitude
- 256 Jesus Walks on the Water
- 257 Jesus Quotes Isaiah
- 258 Jesus Foretells the Crucifixion
- 259 The Transfiguration
- 260 Jesus Instructs the Disciples
- 261 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
- 262 Seventy More Disciples Are Appointed
- 263 The Good Samaritan
- 264 The Rich Young Ruler
- 265 The Laborers in the Vineyard
- 266 Joy in Heaven
- 267 The Prodigal Son
- 268 The Rich Man and the Beggar
- 269 The Journey to Jerusalem
- 270 A Parable of Prayer
- 271 Jesus Prepares the Disciples
- 272 Jesus At the Home of Mary and Martha
- 273 Lazarus is Raised from the Dead
- 274 Jesus Enemies' Plot to Kill HIm
- 275 The Supper at Bethany
- 276 The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
- 277 Jesus Drives out the Moneychangers
- 278 The Fig Tree Withers Away
- 279 The Greedy Workmen
- 280 God and Caesar
- 281 The Widow's Penny
- 282 The Unworthy Gues
- 283 Jesus and the Disciples
- 284 The End of Time
- 285 The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids
- 286 The Unprofitable Servant
- 287 The Day of Judgment
- 288 Judas pLots to Betray Jesus
- 289 The Last Supper
- 290 "Do As I Have Done to You"
- 291 Jesus Reveals His Betrayer
- 292 Farewell to the Disciples
- 293 The Garden of Gethsemane
- 294 Jesus Prays
- 295 The Betrayal
- 296 Peter Denies Jesus
- 297 Judas Hangs HImself
- 298 The Trial
- 299 Pilate Gives Way
- 300 Jesus I Crucified
- 301 The Robe is Divided
- 302 The Crowd MOcks Jesus
- 303 Jesus Gives Up the Ghost
- 304 The Body is Buried
- 305 The Resurrection
- 306 The Appearance to the Disciples
- 307 The Breaking of the Bread
- 308 The Taking of Food
- 309 THomas Doubts
- 310 At the Sea of Tiberias
- 311 Jesus Ascends Into Heaven
- 312 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
- 313 A Lame Beggar Healed
- 314 The Apostles are Arrested
- 315 The Apostles Escape
- 316 Stephen, the First Martyr
- 317 Stephen Makes His Defense
- 318 Saul is COnverted
- 319 Saul Becomes a Christian
- 320 The Teaching of Peter
- 321 Peter and the Centurion
- 322 Peter is Imprisoned
- 323 Peter Escapes
- 324 Barnabas and Paul are Chosen
- 325 Paul's First Journey
- 326 The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians
- 327 Paul's Second Journey
- 328 Paul and Silas are Imprisoned
- 329 They Preach in THessalonica
- 330 They Escape from Berea
- 331 The Letters to the Thessalonians
- 332 Paul Preaches to the Athenians
- 333 He Continues to Corinth
- 334 The Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
- 335 Role of the Apostles
- 336 Paul Likens Christians to the Parts of the Body
- 337 The more Excellent Way
- 338 The Letter of Christ
- 339 Paul's Third Journey
- 340 The SIlversmith's Revolt
- 341 Eutychus Falls Asleep
- 342 Paul Hastens to Reach Jerusalem
- 343 Paul in Jerusalem
- 344 The Love of God
- 345 "Pray that I May Come to You"
- 346 Paul is Arrested
- 347 He makes His Defense
- 348 He Pleads Roman Citizenship
- 349 His Enemies Plot Against Him
- 350 He is Brought Before Felix
- 351 He Appeals to Caesar
- 352 King Agrippa Hears Paul
- 353 Paul's Journey to Rome
- 354 Tempest at Sea
- 355 The Ship Runs Aground
- 356 They Winter on Malta
- 357 Paul's Final Years
- 358 The Letters from Rome
- 359 Of the Armor of Faith (Ephesians)
- 360 Think About These Things (Philippians)
- 361 Seek Those Things WHich are Above (Colossians)
- 362 Of Faith WIthout Wavering (Hebrews)
- 363 The Letters of Peter
- 364 Peter Counsels Humility
- 365 Peter Speaks of the Coming of the Lord
- 366 The Vision of John
- 367 A New Heaven and Earth
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