Apologia - Land Animals of the Sixth Day(New) (Apologia-Young Explorer Series Exploring Creation with Zoology 3, Apologia-Land Animals of the Sixth Day)
by Jeannie Fulbright Author
(From Amazon): What separates people from apes? How can a Great Dane be related to a Chihuahua? Is there evidence that people and dinosaurs lived at the same time? What should you do if you encounter a bear? How can you tell if a snake is poisonous? Come find out answers to these questions and many, many more with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 3! This third book in the zoology series takes students on a safari through jungles, deserts, forests, farms, and even their own backyard to explore, examine and enjoy the enchanting creatures God designed to inhabit the terrain. Families will snuggle together and discover the amazing animals from primates to parasites, kangaroos to caimans, and turtles to terrifying T-Rexs- this safari doesn't end there! Students will also keep a record of where each animal is found on a map and learn to identify animal tracks. As with all the Apologia elementary books, students will continue the practice of narration, keeping a notebook of what they have learned, and enjoy many hands on projects and experiments throughout the course.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781932012859
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 14
- Publisher
- Apologia
- Edition
- 1ST
- Copyright
- 2008
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