
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing [SCM]

A step-by-step keyboarding program that includes interesting passages for practice and some fun games. Look for the standard version, NOT the kids' version.

Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 12th


  • 1 Introducing 'asdf'
  • 2 Introducing 'jkl'
  • 3 Introducing The 'ei' Keys
  • 4 Adding 'gh'
  • 5 Introducing 'ru'
  • 6 Introducing 'ty'
  • 7 'kwop' Keys
  • 8 'vbmn' Keys
  • 9 Learning 'zxc'
  • 10 Introducing '.,'
  • 11 'Left Shift' Key
  • 12 'Right Shift' Key
  • 13 Introducing '?":!'
  • 14 Introducing Keys '123'
  • 15 Introducing Keys '456'
  • 16 Introducing '78' Keys
  • 17 Introducing '90' Keys
  • 18 Introducing '@#$' Keys
  • 19 Introducing '%^' Keys
  • 20 Introducing '&*' Keys
  • 21 Introducing The '()-_' Keys
  • 22 Introducing The '+=' Keys
  • 23 Introducing The '{}[]' Keys
  • 24 Introducing The '<>/' Keys
  • 25 Advanced Diagnostic

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Produces a Grin

Reviewed by Parent/Teacher

We've been using Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing software (the adult version, not the kids version), and my 10yo just told me yesterday that she typed 120 wpm with no mistakes on her most recent timed test. It was one of those moments when you calmly say, "That's great, honey!" and then walk around with a silly grin on your face the rest of the day :-)

Typing Fun?!

Reviewed by Parent/Teacher

Can typing be fun?! Well I believe it can if you use the right teaching tool! Mavis Beacon is a program that can be used for people of all ages and learning abilities! Why not do something "fun" for school for your children, and yourself, and try this typing tutor?! Your kids will love you for it!

Fun for the whole family!

Reviewed by Student Over Age 12

We all like to take turns at sharpening our skills.

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