Beginner's Bible, The
by Karyn Henley Author
(From Amazon): 95 Timeless Children's Stories -- Including These: - A Big Picnic (Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand) - Long and Strong (Samson) - Best Friends (David and Jonathan) - Trumpets and Torches (Gideon) - The Most Special Baby (Jesus is Born) - Fish for Breakfast (With the Risen Jesus) - A Secret Message (Joseph and Pharaoh's Dreams) - A Basket Boat (The Baby Moses) - Wind and Fire (The Day of Pentecost) - Money in a Fish (Peter and the Taxes) - The Chariot of Fire (Elijah and Elisha) - Spending the Night with Lions (Daniel's Faithfulness) - Lost! (Jesus in the Temple) - Helpers and Friends (Jesus Calls His Disciples) - Inside a Fish (Jonah) - A Room on the Roof (Elisha and the Shunemite Woman) - The Angel's Secret (Gabriel Visits Mary) - Surprise (The Resurrection)
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-310-92610-6
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 94
- Pages
- 528
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- Zonderkidz
- Copyright
- 1997
- 1 The Beginning
- 2 The Special Helper
- 3 A Sad Day
- 4 The First Rainbow
- 5 A Tall Tower
- 6 A New Land
- 7 The Promise
- 8 A Wife for Isaac
- 9 The Blessing
- 10 Jacob's Dream
- 11 A Big Family
- 12 The Dreamer
- 13 A Secret Message
- 14 A Surprise Visit
- 15 A Basket Boat
- 16 The Burning Bush
- 17 Hard Times for Egypt
- 18 The Sea Rolls Back
- 19 Manna, Quail, and Water
- 20 God's Rules
- 21 Twelve Spies
- 22 A Talking Donkey
- 23 A Wall Falls Down
- 24 Trumpets and Torches
- 25 Long and Strong
- 26 Ruth
- 27 A Special Prayer
- 28 A Voice at Night
- 29 The First King
- 30 A Good Heart
- 31 The Giant
- 32 Best Friends
- 33 King David
- 34 Solomon
- 35 Food fromBirds
- 36 A Jar and a Jug
- 37 The True God
- 38 The Chariot of Fire
- 39 Jars of Oil
- 40 A Room on the Roof
- 41 Naaman
- 42 A Boy King
- 43 Food for Daniel
- 44 In the Fire
- 45 Spending the Night with Lions
- 46 Inside a Fish
- 47 The Angel's Secret
- 48 The Most Special Baby
- 49 Good News
- 50 Blessings for the Baby
- 51 Visitors from the East
- 52 Running Away
- 53 The Man Who Could Not Talk
- 54 Lost!
- 55 In the Jordan River
- 56 Helpers and FriendsA Wedding Party
- 57 Through the Roof
- 58 On a Mountain
- 59 A Sick Servant
- 60 The Farmer's Seeds
- 61 A Tiny Seed and a Big Tree
- 62 The Net
- 63 The Treasure and the Pearl
- 64 Wind and Waves
- 65 One Touch
- 66 A Big Picnic
- 67 Walking on Water
- 68 Open Eyes
- 69 Money in a Fish
- 70 A Good Neighbor
- 71 Listening
- 72 The Woman Who Could Not Stand Up
- 73 The Lost Sheep
- 74 The Lost Coin
- 75 The Lost Son
- 76 The Man Who Remembered
- 77 The Children
- 78 The Blind Beggar
- 79 A Small Man
- 80 Two Small coins
- 81 The Man at the Pool
- 82 Mary's Gifts
- 83 Make Way for the King
- 84 Washing Feet
- 85 The Last Supper
- 86 Sadness
- 87 Surprise
- 88 Fish for Breakfast
- 89 Jesus Goes Home
- 90 Wind and Fire
- 91 Peter and John and the Beggar
- 92 A Bright Light
- 93 Paul and Silas in Jail
- 94 The Door into Heaven
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