by Wilmer L. Jones Author
(From Amazon): Each worktext in the Lifeskills Mathematics Series contains 96 pages of examples, practice, review, and a final test. The Answer Key covers the six-book series. Basic MathThis worktext provides instruction, examples, and practice on basic math operations, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and measurements. Ideal for students who need additional practice. Consumer MathPresents math skills through everyday applications so students can make wise consumer decisions. Students learn how to write checks, keep account balances, check monthly statements, and make comparisons on interest rates. Up-to-date prices and exercises make this worktext an excellent aid in becoming a wise consumer. Practical MathThis worktext is especially effective for students who have a basic understanding of math concepts but need practice applying their skills. Covers practical skills dealing with financial transactions, banking, and establishing credit. Students learn the basics of budgeting, banking services, loans, completing income tax returns, and purchasing insurance. Using MoneyThis worktext provides a practical understanding of American currency. The skills covered are divided into four sections: Coins and Currency, Working With Money, Counting Money, and Word Problems. Using Money provides a review for students who have difficulty understanding currency or for those new to the American currency system. Learning to BudgetHelps develop practical budgeting and money management skills using real-life situations. Six units include Developing Money Management Skills, Planning a Budget, Practice With Budgets, Fixed and Variable Expenses, Keeping a Cash Record, and Budgets and Cash Records. Using FractionsThis worktext reviews all the basic concepts of fractions and provides an understanding of the uses of fractions in real-life situations. Units include mixed fractions, operations, and percents.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-7854-0954-8
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 96
- Publisher
- AGS Secondary
- Edition
- 0
- Copyright
- 2006
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