Language Lessons for Little Ones
by Sandi Queen Author
An informal introduction to language arts with Charlotte Mason flavor for preschool students
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 180
- Pages
- 67
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 2nd
- Publisher
- Queen Homeschool Supplies Inc
- Written
- 2007
- 1 Picture Study and Narration
- 2 Narration
- 3 Poetry Appreciation & Narration
- 4 For Narration
- 5 Introducing the Letter "A" for Copywork
- 6 Identifying the Letter "A"
- 7 The Letters of the Alphabet
- 8 For Narration
- 9 Introducing the Letter "B" for Copywork
- 10 Identifying the Letter "B"
- 11 Poetry Appreciation
- 12 For Narration
- 13 Creative Expression
- 14 Review of Letters "A" and "B"
- 15 Introducing the Letter "C" for Copywork
- 16 Picture Study and Narration
- 17 Creative Expression and Narration
- 18 Creative Expression
- 19 Poetry Appreciation
- 20 Review of Letters "A", "B", "C"
- 21 For Copywork - Letters "A". "B". and "C"
- 22 Poetry Appreciation
- 23 Creative Expression and Narration
- 24 Creative Expression and Narration
- 25 Creative Expression
- 26 Introducing the Letter "D"
- 27 Identifying the Letter "D"
- 28 Recognizing Letters A-D
- 29 For Copywork
- 30 Poetry Appreciation
- 31 For Narration
- 32 Picture Study and Narration
- 33 Creative Expression and Narration
- 34 Creative Expression and Narration
- 35 Introducing the Letter "E"
- 36 Identifying Letters A-E
- 37 Identifying Letters A-E
- 38 Poetry Appreciation
- 39 Creative Expression and Narration
- 40 For Copywork,: Practicing Letters D and E/ Recognizing Letters
- 41 For Narration
- 42 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 43 Introducing the Letter "F"
- 44 Identifying the Letter "F"
- 45 Differences between similar Letters- "E" and "F"
- 46 Differences between similar Letters- "b" and "d"
- 47 For Narration
- 48 Review of the Alphabet
- 49 Picture Study and Narration
- 50 Creative Expression and Narration
- 51 Creative Expression
- 52 Poetry Appreciation
- 53 Introducing the Letter "G"
- 54 Identifying the Letter G
- 55 Identifying Letters A-G
- 56 For Copywork -Letter Practice
- 57 Review of the Alphabet
- 58 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 59 For Narration
- 60 Creative Expression
- 61 For Narration
- 62 Introducing the Letter "H"
- 63 Letters of the Alphabet
- 64 For Copywork - Letters F-H
- 65 Poetry Appreciation
- 66 Narration and Creative Expression
- 67 Review of the Alphabet
- 68 For Copywork
- 69 Picture Study and Narration
- 70 Song Appreciation
- 71 Song Appreciation
- 72 Review of Letters A-H
- 73 Introducing the Letter "I"
- 74 Reviewing the Letters of the Alphabet
- 75 Reviewing and Recognition of Letters A-I
- 76 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 77 Creative Expression
- 78 Recognizing Letter I
- 79 Recognizing Letter H
- 80 For Copywork
- 81 Practicing Writing Your Name
- 82 For Narration, Creative Expression
- 83 Introducing the Letter "J"
- 84 Differences Between Letters "I" and "J"
- 85 For Copywork
- 86 Introducing the Letter "K"
- 87 For Copywork
- 88 Recognizing the Letter K
- 89 Picture Study & Narration
- 90 Narration & Creative Expression
- 91 Creative Expression
- 92 Poetry Appreciation
- 93 Narration
- 94 Introducing the Letter "L"
- 95 For Copywork
- 96 Recognition of Letters
- 97 Practicing the Alphabet
- 98 Poetry Appreciation
- 99 For Narration
- 100 Narration & Creative Expression
- 101 Practicing Writing Your Name
- 102 Introducing the Letter "M"
- 103 For Copywork
- 104 Recognizing Letters A-M
- 105 Reviewing the Alphabet
- 106 Picture Study & Narration
- 107 For Narration
- 108 Creative Expression
- 109 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 110 Introducing the Letter "N"
- 111 For Copywork
- 112 For Copywork
- 113 Identifying Letters of the Alphabet
- 114 Introducing the Letter "O"
- 115 Creative Expression
- 116 Introducing the Letter "O"
- 117 For Copywork
- 118 Identifying Lowercase Letters
- 119 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 120 Narration & Creative Expression
- 121 Introducing the Letter "P"
- 122 For Copywork
- 123 Recognizing Letters of the Alphabet
- 124 Picture Study & Narration
- 125 For Narration
- 126 Creative Expression
- 127 Poetry Appreciation
- 128 Narration & Creative Expression
- 129 Introducing the Letter "Q"
- 130 For Copywork
- 131 Identifying the Letter Q
- 132 Identifying the Letters of the Alphabet
- 133 For Copywork
- 134 Recognizing Letters of the Alphabet
- 135 Story Appreciation
- 136 For Narration
- 137 Story Appreciation
- 138 For Narration
- 139 Introducing the Letter "R"
- 140 For Copywork
- 141 Recognizing the Letter "R"
- 142 Letters of the Alphabet -Lowercase
- 143 Poetry Appreciation
- 144 For Narration
- 145 Creative Expression
- 146 Picture Study & Narration
- 147 For Narration
- 148 Introducing the Letter "S"
- 149 For Copywork
- 150 Practicing Capital Letters
- 151 Recognizing the Letter "S"
- 152 Introducing the Letter "T"
- 153 For Copywork
- 154 Reviewing the Alphabet
- 155 Recognizing the Letter "T"
- 156 Poetry Appreciation and Narration
- 157 For Narration
- 158 Introducing the Letter "U"
- 159 For Copywork
- 160 Recognizing the Letter "U"
- 161 Introducing the Letter "V"
- 162 Distinguishing Similar Letters
- 163 Distinguishing Similar Letters
- 164 Introducing the Letter "W"
- 165 For Copywork
- 166 Picture Study & Narration
- 167 For Narration
- 168 Introducing the Letter "X"
- 169 Distinguishing Similar Letters
- 170 For Copywork
- 171 Introducing the Letter "Y"
- 172 Distinguishing Similar Letters
- 173 Practicing Writing your Name
- 174 Distinguishing Similar Letters
- 175 Introducing the Letter "Z"
- 176 Picture Study & Narration
- 177 For Narration
- 178 Review of the Alphabet
- 179 Fill in the Missing Letters of the Alphabet
- 180 Writing Your Name Two Different Ways
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