
Further up & Further In - English

by Diane Pendergraft Author

(From Amazon): This rich study is based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia. It covers a wide range of subjects, including English and literature, history and social studies, geography, science, Bible and character building, cooking, and art. What Shakespearean play influenced The Voyage of the Dawn Treader? Where would you find minarets like those in The Horse and His Boy? What does Turkish Delight taste like? Step through the wardrobe with wardrobe with Further Up and Further In and find out! Like each of the Cadron Creek unit studies, Further Up and Further In is a highly self-contained curriculum. This full-year curriculum is an extensive study of The Chronicles of Narnia, which integrates a wide range of subject studies, including English literature, social studies, geography, Bible and character building, cooking, and art. It also supplements science and history. Each of the seven books in the Narnia series is studied in a separate four-week unit. The Appendix section comes complete with recipes, activity directions, recommended reading for background information, poems, a resource listing, and a list of subjects covered, organized under headings for quick reference. Adventurers who read at a fourth to eighth grade level will benefit the most from this study, but it may be easily adapted for anyone who is not too old to expand his or her horizons. The seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia will need to be purchased separately. (The 1995 printing of the Scholastic edition is referenced in this study.)


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In Print
English Chapter Activities
Suggested Grades
4th - 8th

English Chapter Activities

  • 1 Magician's Nephew ch.1-Fiction vs Nonfiction how do you know the difference
  • 2 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-Read or listen to The Speckled Band
  • 3 Magician's Nephew ch.1-Read or listen to -1st chapter of Treasure Island
  • 4 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- Watch Treasure Isand
  • 5 Magician's Nephew ch. 1 - Watch a Sherlock Holmes movie
  • 6 Magician's Nephew ch. 1 - Define allegory
  • 7 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- Define parable
  • 8 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- Read John 10:3-6 - Who is the Good Shepherd
  • 9 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-Letter to 5th grade- What was Lewis try to write?
  • 10 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- Use the worksheet to keep track of characters
  • 11 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- How did C.S. Lewis differentiate the Narnia series from an allegory?
  • 12 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-Know the parts of a book - find title page, author's name, publisher's name, place of publication
  • 13 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- What year was C.S. Lewis born?
  • 14 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-What year did C.S. Lewis died?
  • 15 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-To whom is the book dedicated?
  • 16 Magician's Nephew ch. 1-What is a preface, table of contents, appendix, glossary, bibliography,and an index
  • 17 Magician's Nephew ch. 1- Find a preface, table of contents, appendix, glossary, bibliography,and an index in one or more books.
  • 18 Magician's Nephew ch. 2-Define foreshadow
  • 19 Magician's Nephew ch. 2-hat other pieces of literature or movies use foreshadowing
  • 20 Magician's Nephew ch. 2- Write and imaginary story about how the box made its way from Atlantis to Uncle Andrew.
  • 21 Magician's Nephew ch. 3-use of quotation marks
  • 22 Magician's Nephew ch. 3-Single quotation marks
  • 23 Magician's Nephew ch. 3-Read the conversation between Digory and Polly aloud
  • 24 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-compare and contrast types of silence you have experienced
  • 25 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-What is an adjective?
  • 26 Magician's Nephew ch. 4- What is a descriptive adjective, limititing adjective,demonstrative adjective,
  • 27 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-What is a interrogative pronoun and and indefinite pronoun.
  • 28 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-How do you think Lewis wanted you to feel about Charn? What types of words give you clues?
  • 29 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-List the adjectives in the chapter to support your opinion.
  • 30 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-Identify the type of each adjective you list.
  • 31 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-Indentify the different types of adjectives you used in your writing
  • 32 Magician's Nephew ch. 3- Write a conersation between yourself and a person with the opposite opinion. Be sure to use quotation marks correctly.
  • 33 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-Identify the different types of adjectives in your opposite opinion paper from chapter 3.
  • 34 Magician's Nephew ch. 4-What made each line of ancestors look different?
  • 35 Magician's Nephew ch. 5-Compare The Queen's attitude about rules with Uncle Andrew.
  • 36 Magician's Nephew ch. 5- Least adjectives that describe the Queen's character.
  • 37 Magician's Nephew ch. 5-Reread the story of the destruction of Charn, especially the section that begins,"It was my sister's fault."
  • 38 Magician's Nephew ch. 5-Write the story of Charn's destruction from her sister's point of view.
  • 39 Magician's Nephew ch. 6-Look at writing in a play. example -Shakespeare's Hamlet
  • 40 Magician's Nephew ch. 6-Rewrite the beginning of Chapter 6 as if it were a play. Use Hamlet as a model.
  • 41 Magician's Nephew ch. 6-Memorize and perform a short skit. Take your time and do a good job.
  • 42 Magician's Nephew ch. 6-List some of the things about the rings which Uncle Andrew was mistaken.
  • 43 Magician's Nephew ch. 8-What is a rhetorical question?
  • 44 Magician's Nephew ch. 8-Read chapter 2 of Surprised By Joy were his father uses rhetorical questions.
  • 45 Magician's Nephew ch. 8-Read Job 38:7 Might Lewis have had this verse in mind when he creation Narnia?
  • 46 Magician's Nephew ch. 8-How many rhetorical questions can you find in Job chapter 38?
  • 47
  • 48

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