
Ancient Egypt: An illustrated reference to the myths, religions, pyramids and temples of the land of the pharaohs

by Lorna Oakes Author

(From Amazon): Discover the world’s first civilization! This beautiful volume is a fascinating guide to the myths, religions, pyramids, temples, and more that make up the allure of ancient Egypt. Readers will gain a unique understanding of this captivating culture through breathtaking, full-color illustrations, in-depth text, detailed maps, and comprehensive chronologies. You’ll read about: - Famous burial sites - The mortuary temples of the many gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt - Gods and goddesses - Pharaohs - Festivals - Offerings - Superstitions - And more! An invaluable reference to one of the most intriguing periods of history.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Segments of Chapters
Geographical Setting
Ancient Eygpt
Hermes House

Segments of Chapters

  • 1 Mod 1 Lesson #9 - AE, use Introduction to Ancient Egypt, page 17 (map) - OFAH, Ch. 2 The First Settlers
  • 2 Mod 1 Lesson 15 - AE, use page 38, picture of the Cairo Bazaar - OFAH, Ch. 3 Houses & Everyday Life
  • 3 Mod 1 Lesson 20 - AE, see pages 12-13 - OFAH Ch. 3 Before the Pyramids
  • 4 Mod 1 Lesson 25 - AE, use pages 34, 44, 46, 107, 187,191 - OFAH Ch. 3 Building Temples and Pyramids
  • 5 Mod 1 Lesson 45 - AE, use pages 64,76-77, 430-431 - OFAH Ch. 3 The Oldest Ship In the World
  • 6 Mod 1 Lesson 50 - AE, use page 50, others 25, 427 - OFAH Ch. 3 - Cleopatra's Needle
  • 7 Mod 1 Lesson 55 - AE, Mudbrick Tombs, pg. 56-57 - OFAH Ch. 3 - Mummies and Tombs
  • 8 Mod 1 Lesson 107 - AE, see pgs 92, 93, 101, 128, 129, 140-141, 155, 215, 271, 279, 345, 348-349, 435, 449, 472, 494, New Religion: 156-157, 376-383 - OFAH, Ch. 3 Akhenaten and religion
  • 9 Mod 1 Lesson 124 - AE, see index; OFAH - Ch. 3 Tutankhamen's Tomb
  • 10 Mod 1 Lesson 134 - AE, see 79, 396, tomb of 64, 74-75 - OFAH, Ch. 3 The Disappearing Queen (Hetepheres)
  • 11 Mod 1 Lesson 139 - AE, see index "papyrus" - OFAH Ch. 3 Paper, Ink, Hieroglyphics

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